Although it is a family celebration, it is really not conventional, and it is not noisy.

Syble 2022-08-14 22:36:34

Just because there are so many heterosexual holiday movies, I’m tired of watching it, and then I’ll criticize the 2020 movie. It’s not fair. The director is right. We lesbians have to spend Christmas too. We have to tell our own stories. Everyone has their own version, and they all need to be talked about.

The main premise of this movie is that coming out in 2020 is still not an easy task. In many cases, there is already a tacit understanding in the circle. If you don’t come out, you are not a qualified and stable person who can have long-term contacts. . Most coming out is impulsive, not planned, because it requires the courage of moths to fight the fire.

Many people saw the works of the Christmas season and immediately fell into the family carnival routine. Although the film is highly saturated and is really seasonal, it is not bad, and even the plot setting is quite interesting. First take a family portrait, starting with the protagonist.

Hostess Harper: Basically, it's a Harper. Ex-girlfriends, ex-boyfriends and current girlfriends are all engaged. As the old 3 of the three sisters, my dad is the favorite because she is the strongest. Her dad always said, Harper, let’s go, Harper, Harper, Daddy’s leg pendant.

The eldest sister Sloane's family: the eldest sister is picturesque, and the black brother-in-law Yale was a high-achieving student. She should have been a strong union and the representative of the winner in life, but because of the twins, the husband and wife were laid off for a period of time. The setting here is very feminist, brother-in-law. She also started as a family husband and started her own business after waiting for a job. Her dad really doesn’t like it. To put it bluntly, he is a self-employed person. Ask her dad to help? What the old man wants you to do, just rest, turn around and criticize. This is a proper irony of heterosexuality. The two children are not cute dolls that everyone loves. One has no brains and the other is unhappy. In short, they are dead children.

Second sister jane: a versatile tool man, repairing routers and network printers. Usually this role is a male in other movies. Second sister is not only the backbone of the family's network, but also draws and writes novels, but NBCS. The most ideal ending of this film is not the reunion of the heroine, but the second sister's novel is a big hit. The daughter who had not been taken seriously before suddenly turned into a glow. This is the setting of the sweeping monk.

Mom and Dad: I dare say that all parents actually know their daughter's sexual orientation. Even if they don't know it now, they will know it sooner or later, but if they don't say it, it won't exist unless it is pierced. To paraphrase John's words, they don't know that their daughter is Lala, haven't they seen other Lala? In the film, their dad regrets that the old neighbor’s daughter is Lala, but the final point is that the old neighbor’s daughter is a resident, which is still very awesome (thumbs up). So, parents can’t choose, but work is okay. A great job is more important than anything else.

The image of her mother is not very clear in this film. Although she appears in most of the shots after being busy, she hardly gives her the opportunity to express herself. In the end, she said that she wanted to learn karate, which was not a powerful touch. Obviously, her mother would be hurt when she finally came out of the farce, but the focus is still that her father needs more comfort. In such a huge family, the person who gives the most cannot own himself.

I don’t think it will be discussed after the film is over.

JOHN: Perfect GAY honey. In fact, LES is still a lot of girlfriends, but if you set up a female girlfriend, although this is not appropriate, I always feel that the plot will be more complicated. It may also be to add a male supporting role to balance the sex ratio.

Riley: She is a Christmas gift from the director. I know it’s unfair to say that, but if you search for movie keywords, it’s not HARPER that appears the most, but RILEY. Her character in the movie is HAPPER’s childhood sweetheart and first love girlfriend, which is the old man mentioned above. The neighbor's daughter. The reason why I say that she is a Christmas gift is not how perfect she is portrayed in the movie. The goddess is unattainable. On the contrary, everyone in this movie is very down-to-earth, with a kind of polite, mean and courteous ambiguity. The three scenes between her and ABBY are very comfortable, natural, and real embarrassment. On the bustling Christmas Eve, it seems to suddenly relax and quiet. It is the existence of another space, outside the main line of the story, and closer to the perspective of our audience. . So they are more real without physical contact, after all, they are really unfamiliar.

ABBY: Kristen Stewart, our superstar, has been criticized for her poor acting skills, but in this movie she is very relaxed and feels like being herself. Some people say that she always shrinks her neck. Here is an excuse for her. When she shrinks her neck, it is really cold and wears less. When this perfect face appeared in HARPER's house, how could they ignore the fact that she was Lara? It was so obvious.

In a modern love story movie, the interaction between the two heroines and the body language of hugging and kissing are as sweet and not greasy as what happened. The film does not have intense love scenes, but there are a few points to the end. The lens does not weaken the concentration of the protagonist's feelings at all, on the contrary, it is more convincing and empathetic. She opened her arms and hugged her all into her arms, like hugging a furry doll tightly, and when her eyes met, she was full of fascination that could not be concealed. The final recombination is also taken for granted, but it is not a forced HE. It seems that the relationship is very good, and there is no real problem. Speaking of it, it is this type of girl who feels CP with KS, which is interesting.

(As for some viewers, they don’t think they match, so let’s get rid of some of their own stereotypes)

One thing worthy of praise for this film is that the editing is very smooth. Traditional family-friendly movies often fall into a kind of full emotional progression and feel tired, as if to make you laugh, and deliberately throw away a lot of old stalks. This movie has been in your opinion several times. When it's about to break out, I suddenly turn to the ground and tell you, don't laugh, don't make trouble, let's talk about this seriously, it is also a kind of anti-routine. Another example is that not everyone who reminds you to put on hand cream is gay.

Finally Riley deserves to tell his story.

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Extended Reading

Happiest Season quotes

  • John: Hey, Harper not coming out to her parents has nothing to do with you.

    Abby: How could it not?

    John: Remind me, what did your parents say when you told them you were gay?

    Abby: Um, that they loved and supported me.

    John: That's amazing! My dad kicked me out of the house and didn't talk to me for 13 years after I told him. Everybody's story is different. There's your version and my version, and everything in between. But the one thing all of those stories have in common is that moment right before you say those words. When your heart is racing and you don't know what's coming next. That moment's really terrifying! And once you say those words, you can't un-say them. A chapter has ended, and a new one's begun. You have to be ready for that. You can't do it for anyone else.


    John: Just because Harper isn't ready doesn't mean she never will be, and it doesn't mean she doesn't love you.

  • Tipper: We have been so worried about seeming perfect, but maybe we don't even know what perfect is. We have one daughter who has been unhappy in a marriage and felt like she couldn't tell us! And another daughter who just had her heart broken because she was afraid we wouldn't love her if she told us the truth. And the only reason that Jane is okay is because we gave up on her after she wouldn't stop biting in preschool. That is very far from perfect, if you ask me.