The happiest season

Roslyn 2022-08-14 22:52:35

In fact, the whole theme and plot are quite good. The misunderstanding and oolong in the early stage did make me madly leak the aunt's laugh, but the loss and disappointment of Abby in the later stage was also very engrossing and even a little suffocating.

After reading it, I actually liked Abby's gay male friend. At the end, it seems that there is a tendency to be with Jane. This is also very good. As long as you meet someone who is in harmony, both men and women can love each other. Gender is really not worth mentioning in the face of love.

There are not many Kristen's plays, only the Twilight series and this movie. In Twilight, I didn’t actually have much thoughts, but the character of Abby in this show I like very much. I am gentle enough to understand my lover and actively encourage my lover. Or blame it too much.

I saw that I was drunk late at night when I returned home and blamed Abby for being really angry when I thought too much. When the other party wanted to make peace, I thought Abby would ignore it, but she didn't. She gave the other party a chance to talk. I will always succumb to this tenderness. Later, Harper came out and Abby didn't want to be with Harper anymore. This behavior made me even more excited. She has her own bottom line. Have their own bottom line, and are willing to lower their bottom line for the one you love. Coupled with the appearance of small k, in short, Abby is simply my ideal girlfriend.

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Happiest Season quotes

  • John: Hey, Harper not coming out to her parents has nothing to do with you.

    Abby: How could it not?

    John: Remind me, what did your parents say when you told them you were gay?

    Abby: Um, that they loved and supported me.

    John: That's amazing! My dad kicked me out of the house and didn't talk to me for 13 years after I told him. Everybody's story is different. There's your version and my version, and everything in between. But the one thing all of those stories have in common is that moment right before you say those words. When your heart is racing and you don't know what's coming next. That moment's really terrifying! And once you say those words, you can't un-say them. A chapter has ended, and a new one's begun. You have to be ready for that. You can't do it for anyone else.


    John: Just because Harper isn't ready doesn't mean she never will be, and it doesn't mean she doesn't love you.

  • Tipper: We have been so worried about seeming perfect, but maybe we don't even know what perfect is. We have one daughter who has been unhappy in a marriage and felt like she couldn't tell us! And another daughter who just had her heart broken because she was afraid we wouldn't love her if she told us the truth. And the only reason that Jane is okay is because we gave up on her after she wouldn't stop biting in preschool. That is very far from perfect, if you ask me.