How much time do we have to "choose" to be vegetarian?

Bernhard 2022-11-02 23:41:35

When I watched the video while eating dinner, I was quite broken, especially in the last part of killing the duck, I almost vomited. But this documentary does force viewers to face certain arguments that we have not noticed or selectively ignored. The most shocking thing is that these environmental conservation NGOs are far from justice as I imagined; and, for the benefit, the world can be so dark and bloody. Green Peace, the world's largest environmental conservation organization, and Oceania, the largest marine conservation organization, turned a blind eye to the issues of animal husbandry and fishery. I don't want to criticize these organizations too much. After all, sometimes we have to make concessions for greater good; but returning to the issue itself, whether the animal husbandry industry is really evil, I think there is still room for debate. First of all, there are consumers and producers in nature, and there are food chains in the ecosystem to form energy transmission, and humans have had the habit of fishing and hunting from a long time ago, so eating meat is not the original sin; on the contrary, it is forcing humans not to eat meat. It is suspected of being anti-natural. What we want to review should be the "highly industrialized" animal husbandry in modern society. In the documentary, it is clearly pointed out that it is not that fishing itself is a problem, but that modern fishing techniques will cause a lot of fish to be wasted; when the director visits sustainable pastures, he will also find that we can respect animals more and more. Love them, but when there are 7 billion carnivorous humans on the earth, sustainable animal husbandry can only be a fantasy.

In the end, I still think that it is overkill to require humans to be fully vegetarian. After all, human canine teeth mean that we have the flesh-eating nature. The soaring use of carbon dioxide after the 1750s and global warming indicate that what humans should change is "industrialized". "Lifestyle", when we abandon the assembly-line life model, food and living materials may no longer be able to cope with the excess population. By then, we must be vegetarian or reduce the total population by bloody methods, and perhaps mankind will wake up from a big dream.

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Extended Reading

Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret quotes

  • Kip Andersen: Two environmental specialists at the World Bank Group using the *global* standard for measuring greenhouse gases concluded that animal agriculture was responsible for 51% of human-caused climate change, when the loss of carbon sinks, respiration, and methane are properly accounted for, which the UN study failed to address.

  • Kip Andersen: Hydraulic fracturing for natural gas uses a staggering amount of water: 100 billion gallons every year in the U.S. But when I compared this with animal agriculture, raising livestock just in the U.S. consumes 34 trillion gallons of water! And, it turns out, the methane emission from both industries are nearly equal.