What is the real office environment in Hollywood? After watching this movie, maybe you no longer envy you

Franco 2022-01-18 08:01:06

#Weekend Movie# Issue 02

Recommended star of "Assistant": Two stars

Keywords: MeToo; efficiency; documentary

This is a film contributed to by the previous popular "MeToo" event. The film focuses on an ordinary day of the stormy character Weinstein's assistant. Before dawn, and the traffic in the city has not yet become congested, Jane comes to the office to make coffee for colleagues and turn on the computer. The first colleague, as soon as he arrived to say hello, the work came. Distributing water, cleaning the office, and distributing documents, all of which have to be completed before colleagues arrive.

It's eight o'clock, and colleagues are late, their first thing is to fight, and then arrange work for Jane. This is the first time it appears in the film: eight o'clock, Monday. Jane has already spent the weekend in the office, and has to come to the office in the middle of the night on Monday to prepare. But in the eyes of others, the time that is not shown is not considered as workload. Is Jane not very efficient ? She is from a prestigious university, she does things decently and appropriately. She can stand out from hundreds of people and enter the world's top production company. Her work ability is already extraordinary. But no matter what work there are trivial matters, what Jane has to do is to deal with these trivial matters.

GTD has fulfilled the principle of work efficiency, and one of the most important ones is that if you can leave it to others to do, just do it for others. Most of these things are meaningless and time-consuming tasks. Printing, scanning, copying, binding, cleaning, sending and receiving express delivery, subscribing to lunch, handling schedules, taking care of children, etc., are all things that seem easy but extremely time-consuming.

Trivia occupies all time and space, no matter how close he is to one of the most famous producers in the world, how much can she really learn? Printing faster, or brushing the cup faster? Not only that, but her heart is full of suffering. You can say that she is Xiaobai, but how many people licked their tongues when they entered, the boss’s wife questioned, the boss’s uncertainties at any time, and the prints and cups that colleagues turned around at will, the wrong one might always be you. Here, you cannot have a voice, you cannot have emotions, you can only accept everything. Many shots are like surveillance video, and the crusher cannot breathe. The two most straightforward scenes were that Jane wanted to file a personnel complaint, was treated as trying to run others, and finally told her that it was not his food. And in the ending scene, the woman in the elevator said, accept it, she will get more benefits from the transaction than he gets. Combined with the development of the "MeToo" movement, everything is magical and ironic.

Society is a big dyeing vat. What do you want to do without dyeing, but is this normal? The director of the film is a documentary , so the style of this film is like a documentary, not so story-telling, and far from the characters. The boss in the film will always exist in the words of others, even the name is not mentioned. He never appeared, but he was everywhere. The assistant went in and out, empty.

Hello everyone, I am the second cousin innocent, I update the movie every Wednesday, I hope you like it!

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The Assistant quotes

  • Wilcock: I don't think you have anything to worry about.

    Jane: Hmm?

    Wilcock: You're not his type.

  • Boss: [Over the phone] I'm not gonna yell at you. Am I yelling? No... Because you're not someone even worthy of that. Because you didn't even have the fucking courtesy to talk to me about whatever the fuck fantasy you decided to spew all over me... So, let me ask, do you want to keep this job?

    Jane: Yeah.

    Boss: Okay... Then send me a fucking apology.