Escape from Pretoria

Darion 2022-09-02 08:37:24

The protagonist and his friends go to jail for equality between blacks and whites. Since being imprisoned, it can be said that the plot has become tense. It wasn't until I escaped the prison that the door opened, and I didn't feel a breath. The plot is very rigorous. I also thought about Shawshank's salvation, all to escape the prison door. Everything was so coincidental. I ran into prison guards just out of the prison, but didn't recognize them. More of it is fighting wits and courage with prison guards in the prison, and trying to escape from the prison every day. This is an inspirational movie. It makes people desperate, and they can do everything they can to solve it.

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Escape from Pretoria quotes

  • Denis Goldberg: Don't run away, stay and fight!

    Tim Jenkin: [holds up a key] This is how we fight!