Simplicity is an advantage, but also a pity

Janice 2022-01-14 08:01:31

The story of "King of California" is unfolded in a small town with a single environment. Although there is a time span and historical origin, the development of the story and the relationship between the characters are simple, and the space is limited. This makes the whole movie clear, full of plot, but also very monotonous.

There are some details that could have been more streamlined and give people instant surprises, but they seem too heavy in this "King of California". For example, the cello and second-hand car are equivalent to a supporting role.

Photography is very particular, but a bit overwhelming. There are a lot of close-ups about the protagonist's father and daughter, especially half-side close-ups. Not every shot has performance significance or is necessary to support the plot.

The lens caused two deep impressions: Michael Douglas performed very well! Evan Rachel Wood is so beautiful! !

Similarly, because of the single environment and the mediocre focus of the theme, it is still an ideal dream-seeking and family relationship, and the plot does not have too much ambition. Many details and references of the film appear to be of little significance. For example, those two-dimensional activity illustrations, missionary experiences, the past of the lunatic asylum, the identity of the musicians, etc... there is only a causal relationship with the later development of the whole story, and there is no further significance.

The new neighbors in the community and the happy family life have an obvious contrast to the monotonous interpersonal relationship of the protagonist father and daughter. However, in "King of California", this kind of socially directed plot is less pitiful, making the main characters Too much isolation of reality.

Keeping a distance from reality, although it accentuates the fairy tale tone, it is easy to lose the emotional foundation.

The news at the end and the beginning echo well, and there is a more practical explanation of the emotional focus, but it is the same as the feeling brought by the whole article: there is not much practical significance.

Deliberately created a fairy tale color, interspersed with many moving details, there are also warm and funny, outstanding performances. However, the King of California is far from being comparable to "Big Fish" or "Angel Emily". In terms of broader humanistic and social consciousness, it still lacks meaning.

Even though it is the same fairy tale I just finished two days ago. Compared with the colorful "Eagle vs Shark" (New Zealand film in 2007), it is more simple and not powerful enough.

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Extended Reading

King of California quotes

  • Charlie: Catastrophe equals opportunity.

  • Miranda: [first lines - narration] Technically what happened wasn't my fault. I'm a minor, I'm not responsible for my actions. Technically.

    [alarm sounds, everyone runs]

    Miranda: But these things should be taken on a case-by-case basis. In our case, I've always been the responsible party. Someone had to look out for him.