Pollution of Livestock Industry and Vegetarian Environmentalism in Europe and America

Brennon 2022-09-05 11:30:35

Buddhism’s vegetarianism-restraint of carnal desire and compassion for life,

Seems to be with

There is some agreement among the vegan environmentalists,

However, the latter focuses on the consumption of resources in the human living environment and the living conditions of animals.

"Milk is drunk by cows. Why do we drink calf growth liquid when we are not cows?"

You are not a vegetarian, why do you go vegetarian? You are human, why not eat human flesh?

"Looking for sustainable, prosperous and organic"

I wonder how the agricultural civilizations that came thousands of years ago lived in this way. Without the conditions for intensive and exploitation, it lasted for thousands of years, and each other was relatively prosperous.

According to their practice,

The real solution is to kill one’s body and become benevolent,

Let yourself become a vegetarian animal, a lower-level energy cycler, a first-level consumer,

Eat grass to get nutritional energy, graze yourself, and live as a gentle and harmless existence like cows and sheep.


Ways to solve the contradiction between the demand for meat products and the pollution of animal husbandry

Or it’s really Thanos or the epidemic,

Although this is extreme and anti-human.

But, eating vegetarian food, cutting meat and feeding eagles, tigers on hunger strike, etc.

Isn’t it an individual’s anti-humanity and anti-life, it’s not the same degree.

Dislike the occupation of resources and the exploitation of the world by one's own existence.

Life is an expansive force,

Humans, vegetation, cell biology, viruses,

All are so.


That is, people who have eaten enough food, drank blood, and are tired of life, in the capitalist world before the twilight.

The kind and powerless people persisted.

Our morals will eventually destroy ourselves.

The raging slaughter of wild animals by livestock practitioners

Show the bloodiest conflict,

The most direct contradiction between life and death is the struggle for survival.

In fact,

For human beings who have an absolute advantage in power, they only use the material benefits of the farm as a bargaining chip.

The weak are passively placed on the chopping board with their lives and damn it.

It's really artificial, I'm a fish.

Isn't it the same with plants and primitive rain forests?

What do you think of vegetarians who eat living plant life?

You have eaten so much vegetarian, haven't you grown grass heart?

Please be sympathetic to everything, okay?

However, I still plan to eat a fast meal one or two days a week to live through the ancient times of lack of protein.

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Extended Reading

Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret quotes

  • Kip Andersen: Two environmental specialists at the World Bank Group using the *global* standard for measuring greenhouse gases concluded that animal agriculture was responsible for 51% of human-caused climate change, when the loss of carbon sinks, respiration, and methane are properly accounted for, which the UN study failed to address.

  • Kip Andersen: Hydraulic fracturing for natural gas uses a staggering amount of water: 100 billion gallons every year in the U.S. But when I compared this with animal agriculture, raising livestock just in the U.S. consumes 34 trillion gallons of water! And, it turns out, the methane emission from both industries are nearly equal.