Online channelling version 1.0

Sonia 2022-08-10 23:17:18

I finally saw a movie based on this year’s epidemic. Five women and one man were very boring during the quarantine at home. They found a god-in-law to play online soul-seeking together. As a result, one of them did not follow the routine and attracted evil spirits, which led to the group. Extinct.

Now we talk about everything online, and we have to keep up with the times even to play a psychic, but we are accustomed to using WeChat and Dingding, while Lao Mei is accustomed to using Zoom.

The six friends who were isolated during the epidemic were really boring. They greeted each other for entertainment, and then went to bed. As a result, the takeaway called by the goddess was late, and one of them started writing, directing and acting self-hey, and it was a false surprise to everyone at the beginning. At the scene, when everyone was about to close their stalls to sleep, they suddenly realized something was wrong.

It turned out that in the process of channeling fictitious undeads were summoned, and as a result, evil spirits were created. I don’t know whether it was summoning one or six, each of which killed six people. The worst is the male fat man. If I didn't know it, I was directly caught by the fire.

In the end, the demon face that flashed in the camera flash ended with a scream.

The traditional psychic and soul-recruiting series of films have almost gone through all the imaginable routines. This film caught the ride of this year’s epidemic and created a new online perspective, but that’s all, there is nothing more. Substantial innovation is more about finding a good cover for cheap special effects at a small cost.

The 55-minute film length makes people feel less procrastinated. If you think about this subject, it would be a torment to shoot for 90 minutes.

Americans have grown up in a social social system since they were young, and they have to play a collective online psychic game even if they are isolated at home. I hope that as the isolation is gradually lifted, some truly high-level horror films can be released to make up for the emptiness of most of the year.

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  • Haley: It'll be fine. The woman is a friend of mine. So she's done it a bunch of times for me. She'll kind of guide everyone through it, we'll just kinda have to follow her instructions. So just please, she is a friend of mine, not that I don't think you would, please take it seriously tho and be respectful.

  • Seylan: So because we're doing this over Zoom, what it does mean is that we're slightly less protected than we might've been, so it's very important that you respect the spirits, and you respect each other.