
Carson 2022-01-16 08:01:14

It's still an independent little art. This film has to be calm and watched slowly to get more flavor. Adults often think that children don't understand anything, but in fact they see everything in their eyes, but they just can't express it. In the adult world, those helpless compromises, insincere, perfunctory and excuses, children are very clear. Even those negative sexual energy: hostility that has never been expressed, impatience that has never been written on the face... the child can feel it and perceive it. Don't hide anything from your children, especially whether you love it or not, they will understand from the time and effort you put in.

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What Maisie Knew quotes

  • Margo: I'm sorry I got mad at him. He must think I'm awful.

    Maisie: Mommy gets mad at him all the time.

  • Lincoln: I was bitten by a turtle once.

    Margo: Were you really?

    Lincoln: Yeah... yeah. It even left a scar if you...

    Margo: Rea... really?

    Lincoln: [shows Margo his bitten finger] It could've left a scar.

    [Margo laughs]

    Lincoln: It's that bad. It could've left a scar.

    Margo: Right, yeah. So, is it quite traumatic for you being back here with the turtles?

    Lincoln: [interrupting] It was. This is kinda like therapy for me.

    Margo: Oh! It is? Okay.

    Lincoln: Meeting the beast again.

    [Margo laughs]