A day of social animal work

Johnny 2022-01-18 08:01:06

I finished watching this film on Children's Day. To be honest, when I first watched this film, I felt that it was completely depicting the daily work of the bottom-level social animals in the workplace. The hostess is an assistant, repeating boring, tedious and boring work every day, printing the boss’s schedule, printing company information, ordering takeaways, receiving visitors, cleaning the office, and taking express delivery. In this state of work, I was so busy that I forgot my family’s birthday. Later, I checked the information and found that the film was adapted based on the news that the big boss Weinstein of the film company sexually assaulted many women in the entertainment industry. I also feel that this film is a bit intriguing~ The film did not replicate events as it was adapted from real events. It is through the heroine as the assistant of the evil boss, after knowing what the boss is doing, to avoid more newcomers from being hurt, the whole movie is completed. There are few lines in the whole film, and most of the scenes are the work behavior of the daily heroine. The gray tone + a lot of boring work shots of the heroine + very few lines give the whole film an extremely depressed emotional tone. Even I think the depressive component of the film is higher than the component of the theme of sexual assault of subordinates by the company's high-level executives. In fact, the latter has always been expressed in the film with some side information, and you may not get it if you don't understand the social background of the film. For example, a new female assistant hired by the company arranges to live in a hotel as soon as she arrives.

For another example, the hostess went to tell the hr department, but was slammed back by hr-"You are not his food"

The film cryptically reveals that everyone in the company knows the evil deeds of the big boss, but no one dares to speak.

On the other hand, the work of the female protagonist is not the status quo of the workplace and livestock in the current society. The work content is highly repetitive and boring. It does not help one's own development at all. At the same time, she has to endure the oppression of colleagues, and she is always cautious and fearful in her work. Where did you make a mistake, your nerves are tense all day long, and you have to respond cautiously to apologize and show your loyalty after being scolded by your superiors. After watching the whole movie, it is still very uncomfortable. It is the kind of calm and uncomfortable, the kind of high-pressure environment around you that makes you almost unable to breathe and leaves you with a little space to struggle, giving you hope again Will not let you touch hope. May the community and animals in the world have a day of elation, and that there will be no pua in the workplace.

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The Assistant quotes

  • Wilcock: I don't think you have anything to worry about.

    Jane: Hmm?

    Wilcock: You're not his type.

  • Boss: [Over the phone] I'm not gonna yell at you. Am I yelling? No... Because you're not someone even worthy of that. Because you didn't even have the fucking courtesy to talk to me about whatever the fuck fantasy you decided to spew all over me... So, let me ask, do you want to keep this job?

    Jane: Yeah.

    Boss: Okay... Then send me a fucking apology.