May someone in your life teach you to face fear

Darion 2022-01-15 08:02:11

I saw a movie many years ago. A few days ago, my wife turned it out and watched it again. I almost forgot that I had already watched this movie. The plot and the like were completely forgotten and only a few images were left. "I... I seem to have seen...", I felt a lot after reading it.

This is actually a movie with a single protagonist. There are two most important people in the life of the hero. As the hero himself said, the father wanted to teach himself to face fear. Unfortunately, after using his strength, the hero thought that his father did not love him. Instead of being reduced, his fear has become more. This directly led to the grown-up male protagonist becoming a scumbag, because he did not have the courage to face marriage. Until he was sent to a small baby by a gunmate 20 months ago, here the second important person who influenced the male protagonist appeared. When I saw this, I thought these two people were really unreliable. Fortunately, the male protagonist is not so unfeeling. Of course, the first idea is to send the child back. Who knows that he is a step too late, so he actually walked to the United States. The driver's eldest brother on the road is a good man, just looks, and looks scary.

The male protagonist defeated fear for the first time when the little girl climbed into the swimming pool. It was also the ten-meter platform. The male protagonist's father threw him down, and the little girl let the male protagonist jump off voluntarily. The power of love is triggered. For many years since then, with this hobby of using a stuntman, he has gained a foothold in New Mexico, the United States. I don’t know when the protagonist knew that the little girl was sick and could not grow up alive. Maybe it started at the age of three. Before the age of three, he would scold him from time to time, and then basically disappeared. Their home was transformed into an amusement park. In the field, the male protagonist takes the trouble to play various children's games with the little girl every day. Plus a fake letter once a week. The protagonist is really a kind-hearted person. He didn't tell the girl the truth. Instead, he deceived the girl with a false letter, making her think that her mother was really an agent and missed her all the time. The photos of various ps on the wall of their home are really laughing shit.

After that, the male protagonist estimated that he might never meet the child’s mother again, so he wanted to find an actor to play his mother, so that the little girl could meet her mother before she died, but whoever thinks of a real mother comes to the door, it doesn’t matter if you don’t see it. , This meeting started the kid-robbing drama, and seeing this is really speechless to the little girl’s mother. Well, it is understandable. After all, when you can cruelly leave your child, you can cruelly take the child away today. You are really an exquisite egoist. Here I thought that the male lead would give up the child. After all, the little girl seemed to like this mother a lot, but I didn’t expect the male lead to challenge. This time he saw fear again. But the hero once again defeated it. I think there is probably a list of the male lead, the little girl’s wish list, which I want to complete before she passes away. This is probably the reason why the male lead took the custody of the child. However, I found a serious job to fight a lawsuit and laughed at me. For example, the old lady drove the car to repair the car and the ass was bald, and the ass trembled and shuddered. It's absolutely amazing! Ha ha ha ha.

Turning back again, this is still a story about being a father. The girl who has been raised for seven years is not his own! The male protagonist is really a kind person, so there is no anger, and it can be clearly felt here that the male protagonist really loves this girl. Just before the separation, the girl still turned towards her father and encouraged her to escape together and returned to her hometown of Mexico. The reason why the male protagonist did not learn English was that he didn't think it was his hometown. Sooner or later, he would go back. Finally fulfilled the last wish, that is to jump into the sea. Here I thought they were really going to jump from a place ten meters high. Fortunately, it was only one meter high... I was scared to death.

Although the male protagonist never saw his father again, his homework, the homework of facing fear, was taught by this little girl, only in the way of love. It's really a very loving story.

Hope that people can find the power of love to overcome their fears!

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Instructions Not Included quotes

  • Maggie: [Performing a ritual with a charm after a stunt] No fall, nor wound, nor aching head... can stop this charm from bringing you back from the dead!

  • [In life, there are blows... harder than being thrown from La Quebrada at 6 years old. I'll always carry with me... the memory of the two great lovers of my life. The first one... taught me to be ready to face life. And the second one... taught me to face life without being ready]