What are the wonderful details of "The Kingdom of God"?

Josue 2022-01-15 08:03:09

Some corners of the world seem to have been forgotten by God.

For example, John's farm.

This is not a peaceful British farm, but more like a ruined Third World, located in the highlands where the cold winds all year round. Desolate and dead.

John started his day's work amidst grandma's reproach and father's call. Go to the tavern to get drunk at night. After going home and vomiting, I was scolded by my grandma the next day, and my life went round day after day.

Grandma is old, washing and cooking at home; father has had a stroke and his legs are disabled. John is the only laborer in the family. He works numbly and lonely on the ground like a cow. Except for drinking and dating, the rest of the time is stuck in these hopeless days.

As the lamb season approached, the father ignored his son's objections and hired a helper. Gheorghe is an immigrant from Romania. When he finds this remote farm, I can imagine how many places he has touched ashes.

When the two met for the first time, John called each other "Gypsies" contemptuously, which made Gheorghe heightened his guard; he also said, "This shabby place, you definitely want to go back to Romania". This kind of deliberately not wanting the other party to live better is the typical mentality of children facing "intruders", which shows how immature John is. Gheorghe knew that people were far from home and didn't care too much about John.

The two packed up and went up the mountain to stay with the sheep. When Gheorghe delivered the sheep, John would just cross his arms and watch while saying sour words. Other than that, they hardly communicate.

When John yelled "Gypsy" for the Nth time, Gheorghe, who had been tolerant, rushed forward and threw John to the ground to show him something hard. John was horrified, not because he was warned, but because the close distance between the two of them just touched their noses, making John's heart beat wildly.

After John was obedient, his behavior stopped and his eyes became sneaky. He would sneak a glance at Gheorghe who was feeding the lamb; his hand was injured so that Gheorghe could not see... He was avoiding Gheorghe, but his eyes were always attracted to him. Maybe even he himself didn't know about these subtle changes, but someone could see it.

When Gheorghe was out to urinate at night, John followed him out like a ghost hitting an evil spirit, his eyes fixed on Gheorghe. The next second, Gheorghe smiled. Did he believe in coincidence, or did he anticipate what was about to happen? Anyway, as soon as John touched him, the two beasts fought each other. If you don't fight this battle, you can't do it, otherwise, how can you come into contact with the body? Men and men express "I want" through rough physical collisions rather than sweet words.

After having sex, it does not mean that the feelings of the horse are rising. In the morning light of the next day, Gheorghe waited for John to say something. The idiot only gobbled up his breakfast; Gheorghe shuddered as he handed his gloves on, but John didn't appreciate it; as long as the two had eye contact, John immediately avoided. All this, just like his character, Gheorghe chose to accept it silently. Gheorghe is waiting, waiting for that person to grow up.

A lamb in the flock died of freezing. Without saying anything, Gheorghe pulled out a knife and began to mutilate the lamb. John watched the whole peeling process nervously, wondering what he was going to do. Gheorghe tidyed up the peeled sheepskin and took out another surviving lamb. Then an unexpected scene happened: Gheorghe put the lamb with that layer of sheepskin, like a mother putting a cotton jacket on a child.

John looked at the lamb in "padded jacket" and smiled like a child. I think this is the most important turning point of the film. If John was only attracted by Gheorghe's appearance before, then John completely fell in love with Gheorghe this time. His smile reflects his deep feelings-like a child to his mother, he has an attachment to Gheorghe. The lamb in John's eyes was himself, and Gheorghe gave him protection, warmth and love. His smile is also like a child's response to his mother: he feels loved and happy. It can be said that John is destined to fall in love with Gheorghe hopelessly.

How to determine your relationship? John didn't know anything about him except for knowing the few efforts he took to release his original impulse. Gheorghe saw that being in a hurry was not the answer, he could only enlighten the stupid boy himself. On this night in the little hut, Gheorghe lay beside John, looking at each other firmly, and kissing John's injured hand; John no longer dodged his eyes, and bravely accepted Gheorghe's tenderness. Slowly, the mouths of the two people attracted a piece like two magnets.

Whether John has any kissing experience or not, I don't know, but from his scared and eager expression, this is the first time he has kissed someone affectionately.

Returning to the farm from the mountain, the young people continued their enthusiasm for production and entertainment, and the elders watched. The two went home that day and learned that John's father had suffered a second stroke and was admitted to the hospital. The brief joy came to an abrupt end. John looked helplessly at his father who was lying in a coma on the hospital bed, and his grandma asked him to take the responsibility and stop messing around. John became depressed after that day, degenerating to the state before Gheorghe appeared. He started to lose his temper again for no reason, and Gheorghe chose to share the burden silently by his side.

John took Gheorghe to the tavern to calm down his sorrows with a drink. John tempted Gheorghe's whereabouts, sure he would stay and help, John heaved a sigh of relief. But this immediately involves the next question, which is the future of the two. Gheorghe was a bit of a showdown. John was afraid that he would not be able to fulfill his promise, and coupled with family pressure, those few glasses of wine would not work at all. John hid in the toilet and became who he was before, indulging himself with another strange man inside to escape reality temporarily...

When Gheorghe found out, he was furious and turned and left. John was still drunk at this time.

After Gheorghe was gone, John completely returned to his original shape. The father, who was discharged from the hospital, couldn't even speak clearly, and he still called John, not showing a good face. John really felt that this kind of life was unbearable, but after a round of venting, he continued to walk back to the old path. Although the old road is hateful, but I am used to it; the vast and unknown new world is the real fear.

Finally, the words of grandma woke up John: "Do you want to be like your father?"

After his mother ran away in childhood, his father chose to carry the burden of the family and farm alone, and eventually overwhelmed himself and survived his illness to accompany him in his old age. Grandma's words are to prevent grandson from repeating her son's tragedy.

The weather was warm on this day, and John took his father out for a walk, seizing the opportunity to open his heart to his father. This may be the first time John, who can't help the mud, fight against his father, and also fight against his fate: "I must find him back. After I come back, I hope this place will be different." To his father, the only thing that can be said is this. In fact, the words in my heart are: "I have to find the one I love so that I can live."

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The symbol of the farm is gloom-patriarchal-grave. The double blow to my father's spirit and health is the root cause of the farm's decline. The patriarchal majesty continued to press on John with the presence of the farm, draining his vigor. Life here only fades.

Gheorghe symbolizes light-mother-love. Campfire light, lights, candlelight, and Gheorghe's appearance were all accompanied by a warm light background, suggesting that his appearance was to dispel the gloom for John.

Gheorghe is loyal and reliable, and plays the role of a caregiver, that is, a mother. Every time John peeked at Gheorghe taking care of the lamb with jealous and eager eyes, he was invisibly filling himself with the missing maternal love in his heart. And John's childishness also needs Gheorghe's mother-like tolerance.

By the way, I also thought about how a man with mature charm like Gheorghe would like a big boy who seems to have not quit. The law of attraction is hard to say clearly, maybe what Gheorghe likes is the indescribable cuteness of John. John shouting "Gypsy" is just a secret nickname. If he really dislikes you, he doesn't bother to take a look at you, and he will try to make small gestures to attract the other person's attention? There is one more detail. When John saw Gheorghe at first glance, he secretly cursed a swear word. This is not annoying, but it just shows that there is a ghost in his heart. The subtext is: "Damn, here comes a handsome guy, it's over..." Look like this, John in Gheorghe's eyes is really cute.

about love. Gheorghe said to John on a barren mountain: "It's beautiful here, but lonely, isn't it?" It's a simple sentence, but how much meaning it contains: He came to John's hometown and got acquainted with this difficult environment; When I met John, I realized his sadness and loneliness. John heard it, Gheorghe was the one who could walk into his heart.

During the lowest period of the father's hospitalization period, the dining table at home would be lined with flower arrangements and beer waiting for John to return, and then Gheorghe walked out with the prepared dinner. At this time, John will be pleasantly surprised to find that life is not only about boiled potatoes, but also exquisite pasta. It was Gheorghe who watered it with love that allowed the vision of a better life to take root in John's barren mind.

Father and grandma also love John, but they are the traditional elders who "hate iron is not steel" and "love is hard to open". When everyone is so overwhelmed by life, love is too extravagant to use.

At the end of the ending, Adam and Adam return to the Garden of Eden. From the moment John decided to go to Gheorghe, he had bid farewell to the boy who would only use non-stop eating to avoid conversations, and would only shrink back when things happened, and gradually grew into a man who could express his inner desires and dare to face failure. All these changes come from love.

Where there is love, you can live like a human.

Where there is love, it is the kingdom of God.

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God's Own Country quotes

  • Gheorghe Ionescu: My country is dead. You can't throw a rock in most towns without hitting an old lady crying for her children who have gone.

  • Johnny Saxby: So your Romanian, gypsy, pikey

    Gheorghe Ionescu: Don't call me that