Why do women want to play this patriarchal game?

Vivien 2022-01-18 08:01:06

It was annoying to have to fast-forward to finish it. Is it possible that being an assistant has a monthly salary of one million dollars a month? ! She was obviously humble and deceived herself. What's more, that ugly old man, a famous producer, has been arrogant for decades, and now he has made such a film, no matter how it feels like an afterthought.

The tone of the film is dark and depressive. It is indeed the tone of the horror film, but in fact it is not scary at all. It is more inspiring. Is there any difference between serving the boss and the slave society? While being scolded and praised, you have to apologize and thank you constantly. There is also office politics, uh, as the Chinese saying goes, the weak will bully the weaker than themselves. Most women are usually considered by the patriarchal society. It is the weakest, because this is the common sense of the patriarchal society, regardless of nationality. Terribly dead!

Nowadays, many sociologists with a gender perspective are already studying the social structure of male-powered capitalism. Women are also big players in this structure. After all, every male is born to a mother, and a mother is first portrayed and defined as a female. Isn't there no choice for physiological women? Wait for Chinese women to awaken.

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The Assistant quotes

  • Wilcock: I don't think you have anything to worry about.

    Jane: Hmm?

    Wilcock: You're not his type.

  • Boss: [Over the phone] I'm not gonna yell at you. Am I yelling? No... Because you're not someone even worthy of that. Because you didn't even have the fucking courtesy to talk to me about whatever the fuck fantasy you decided to spew all over me... So, let me ask, do you want to keep this job?

    Jane: Yeah.

    Boss: Okay... Then send me a fucking apology.