
Macie 2022-01-18 08:01:06

The dilemmas in Panorama's work are too real. In reality, even if the boss is not a scumbag like Weinstein, he can still feel the fear of being held down by four walls, because the oppression of women in the workplace is more hidden and harsh than sexual assault. form. The heroine's powerlessness is very well presented. Realistic real workplace environment, from the beginning to the end, no boss has been seen, but the boss has been outlined in the side details of preparing meals, cleaning, earrings, and only the horizontal and vertical shots represent the cold and sharp human feelings in the office. , On the one hand is the male-dominated arrogant subconscious environment, on the other hand, it is also the dilemma of assistants who lack supporters and dare not speak up; therefore, this is the meaning of MeToo today.

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The Assistant quotes

  • Wilcock: I don't think you have anything to worry about.

    Jane: Hmm?

    Wilcock: You're not his type.

  • Boss: [Over the phone] I'm not gonna yell at you. Am I yelling? No... Because you're not someone even worthy of that. Because you didn't even have the fucking courtesy to talk to me about whatever the fuck fantasy you decided to spew all over me... So, let me ask, do you want to keep this job?

    Jane: Yeah.

    Boss: Okay... Then send me a fucking apology.