Some Superficial Thoughts on the Documentary "Dairy Cow Conspiracy"

Antonina 2022-08-14 22:33:29

First of all, I dislike the various viewpoints in the film that promote vegetarianism (this shows that I have no opinion on vegetarians). What disgusts me the most is the point mentioned in the film that if humans insist on one day a week Whether not eating meat is good for the environment, the film even gave negative opinions and strongly advocated a vegetarian diet, which made me deeply doubt the purpose of the film. Not to mention whether a vegan diet can really keep you healthy and how troublesome it is to stay healthy. Is a vegan diet for mankind the fundamental solution to the problem? Because carnivores and omnivores are not only humans on this planet, will the planet be better if all animals become vegetarian? I think this is against the laws of ecology (this may be my own narrow view). The ecosystem cannot be maintained without killing. In other words, killing is an indispensable part of the ecological cycle, although it is very cruel .

But the film also provides us with an idea, whether humans abused their so-called rights and carried out too many killings, resulting in an imbalance in the entire ecology? The answer is obvious. Did humans make the most of their killing? This is what we should discuss today. Consumerism and hedonism have brainwashed us, we continue to spend money, continue to waste food, many lives are wasted in vain; the capital market always gives priority to interests, they will not consider the issue of wasting milk, vegetables, meat, and wasted in vain. Being thrown away is something that keeps happening in every country. What if we are all vegetarian? If this wasteful habit has not been improved, although the so-called killing has been reduced, has the wasted food and earth resources really reduced? This is what this documentary did not tell you, but it does require thinking.

There is another question, do humans need so many protein supplements? For most of today's mental workers, do we really need to consume the so-called standard protein intake we see? Are these so-called indicators mixed with some brainwashing culture? Excessive ingredients that cannot be absorbed are excreted with our feces, accompanied by killing and depletion of the earth's resources.

After watching this video, I did start to eat less meat, but I did not become a vegetarian. I eat less meat because I want to find a way to use resources wisely and maintain human health. Thinking back to the food waste in daily life, I couldn't help feeling cold and sweaty. I am a person who tends to be environmentally friendly and economical, but for me like this, there is still a lot of waste, intentionally or unintentionally. I think that solving the waste of human beings is a major direction for the sustainable development of the earth. Resources are not afraid of being used, they are afraid of being overused.

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Extended Reading

Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret quotes

  • Kip Andersen: Two environmental specialists at the World Bank Group using the *global* standard for measuring greenhouse gases concluded that animal agriculture was responsible for 51% of human-caused climate change, when the loss of carbon sinks, respiration, and methane are properly accounted for, which the UN study failed to address.

  • Kip Andersen: Hydraulic fracturing for natural gas uses a staggering amount of water: 100 billion gallons every year in the U.S. But when I compared this with animal agriculture, raising livestock just in the U.S. consumes 34 trillion gallons of water! And, it turns out, the methane emission from both industries are nearly equal.