Textual Research on the Translation of Movie Titles

Joana 2022-01-12 08:01:31

Talk about the name of the movie. Swedish is Såsom i en spegel, English translation is Through a Glass Darkly, Chinese generally has three translations: 1. "Through the Glass in the Dark"; 2. "Still in the Mirror"; 3. "Dark Shadow in the Cup" . The name of the movie comes from the "Bible" (Brother: 13:12). The English translation comes from the English King James Version of the Bible (KJV), as "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face."; the English New International Version (NIV) as "Now we see but a poor reflection" as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face."; The English New Standard Revised Edition (NRSV) is "For now we see in a mirror, dimly; But then we will see face to face.". The Chinese version translated: "We seem to be looking in a mirror now, blurry (the original blurring is like a guessing puzzle). By then, we will face each other." So, which Chinese translation do you think is more appropriate?

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Through a Glass Darkly quotes

  • Fredrik: I'm an artist.

    Karin: Artist?

    Fredrik: Yes, Princess, a thoroughbred artist: a poet with no poems, a painter with no pictures, a musician with no music. I despise ready... made art, the banal result of vulgar effort. My life is my work and dedicated to my love for you.

  • Karin: Funny, you always say and do the very right thing... and it's always wrong.