People cannibalize people, not cows.

Hollie 2022-08-14 14:01:57

Bruce got up again at two o'clock in the middle of the night to see if there were any replies from London or Israel. The result was no. There were only a large number of unread WeChat messages. Since he opened his eyes, he didn't plan to go back to sleep. It was only half past three and the light was not bright, and there seemed to be light rain outside the window, so I didn't plan to go out for a run. I found this documentary and opened KEEP at the same time to challenge the first 1000 squat.

Bruce, doesn't like but has done a documentary. The story of the documentary can be designed (edited), and the green film must be carefully managed between "commercial and authenticity", and it cannot be fake entertainment. There are several elements of a documentary that must be true:

"What the characters say"

"It must be the event, not the actor"

"Data must be verifiable"

Documentaries usually have very low budgets. For the sake of authenticity, most of the money is spent on research, interviews, long-term observations, and data compilation. Award-winning documentaries are usually recognized by film critics for their views and presentation methods, so the cause and effect of the "issue" or "story theme" is the highlight of a documentary.

The documentary about the cow conspiracy is about the various ecological pollution and resource waste caused by factory farms and animal husbandry. These issues have been deliberately ignored by public interest groups, interest groups and government agencies for a long time. Therefore, based on a core theory constructed by themselves, the producer drew a map through the presentation of various facts in an attempt to find the guilty party. , Or to find out the direction of the solution.

Watching a documentary looks at logical thinking, and the filmmaker is like a religious or politician, laying out a worldview and brainwashing you. Let you be guided by his logic in the worldview designed by him, agree with the arguments he put forward, and of course also imitate the behavior expected by the producer. Therefore, watching a documentary is as interesting as watching a crime detective movie, and the producer will show it to you. The partial facts do not show you the whole picture, so to find out the flaws in the documentary, or finally believe that it is true, is a very interesting viewing experience.

The Cow Conspiracy cited many examples, logically, the more Bruce looked at it, the more it made sense. The film says that antibiotics are used on a cow, listening to music and giving him a massage. Give him clean mountain spring water and several meals of grass, drive away other wild animals and give the cow a chunk of his own farm, and then slaughter the cow for humans to eat. After the Industrial Revolution, mankind spent so much time and effort for a piece of meat in hamburgers, using more fuel, land, and food, causing the greenhouse effect to cut down the woods, in order to create more cheap food for humans to eat. This behavior is true. I Also want to know what humans think? After spending a lot of money, we have more clean meat, more supplies of meat that don’t feel like meat, but consume more resources and energy, why sacrificing everything in nature to satisfy human “desires” instead of directly reducing the number of humans ? With fewer people, don’t you need less meat?

In Chinese tradition, we raise her daughter up, let her know the book and be courteous, let her be virtuous, and then find a good family to marry her and collect the bride price. Is this the same as raising an animal with heart and then selling it at a high price? Does the logic of human selfishness say such cruelty?

The vegetarian viewpoint mentioned in the film is only a ghost. I don’t need to follow in this documentary. Interest groups need to make money. This is absolutely correct. As for whether the global meat is enough for human consumption, the number I put forward is I feel that its calculation logic is not objective and should be reviewed. After watching the film, Bruce popped out of his mind, a scientific experiment that was already in progress decades ago can be used as a solution.

We just spare animals and other creatures a horse, and people cannibalize people. Let other creatures return to nature and wild. Then humans can continue to make clones that they want to eat, use them as medical organs if they are not good, and want to eat John, Triumph, Tom Cruise, everything.

We come to replicate humans, and then we can use the organs of the replicated humans in medical treatment, or we can eat the replicated humans. It doesn’t matter if the number of humans keeps increasing. There are a lot of Paul and Jessica to eat.

After watching the video for 20 minutes, I squatted for about 300 squats. The sweat dripping on the floor sounded too loud, waking up the master! After being read a few words, and then crouching down to 700 feet, the floor creaked and the master yelled, "Why are you moving all day?" The master fell asleep again. Then I squatted for 1000, covered in sweat, and tiptoed to my bed, quietly wiped off my sweat, turned on the heater, and quietly watched the bloody scenes in the second half of the documentary.

Bruce Young

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Extended Reading

Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret quotes

  • Kip Andersen: Two environmental specialists at the World Bank Group using the *global* standard for measuring greenhouse gases concluded that animal agriculture was responsible for 51% of human-caused climate change, when the loss of carbon sinks, respiration, and methane are properly accounted for, which the UN study failed to address.

  • Kip Andersen: Hydraulic fracturing for natural gas uses a staggering amount of water: 100 billion gallons every year in the U.S. But when I compared this with animal agriculture, raising livestock just in the U.S. consumes 34 trillion gallons of water! And, it turns out, the methane emission from both industries are nearly equal.