Religion is a choice, not a panacea

Rowan 2022-01-14 08:02:05

echo2448147 Published: 2015-05-25 08:16

I have never believed that religion can turn a bad person into a good person, a person who is inherently evil into a kind person, and a person with a fanatical personality into a peaceful and quiet person. The so-called change is just a change in surface behavior, only a constraint on behavior. The long-term effect of this constraint may have a slight impact on human nature, but it is difficult to change a person's physique and personality type.

There are a lot of discussions about religion in the film. Although I am a staunch atheist, I also recognize the positive role of religion and swear to the death to defend the freedom of belief of believers. Religion is a deep ideological thing, and it cannot be judged by right or wrong. It is just a choice. People believe in religion for various reasons, and there are people who choose not to believe in religion for various reasons. I don't think that people who do not have religious beliefs have no faith. Religion is just a choice of faith. We can also believe in other things, such as science, such as hard work, and so on. When we firmly believe in a certain sentence and completely trust someone, then this sentence, this person is not part of our faith What? These scattered things are just not systematic and complete enough. They can’t be like a certain religion. After a long history of tempering, generations of interpretation and perfection, they seem to be able to help people solve all the problems. However, we can improve our belief in ourselves through our own observation, thinking, and introspection. This is a process of self-cultivation.

Joe was rescued from the quagmire of life by religion, but his humanity has not changed. Religion has become a drug for him to maintain a good life. He is so afraid of losing it. Therefore, he cannot tolerate the appearance of his life that is incompatible with his religious beliefs. In fact, he couldn't tolerate someone to challenge his belief. He had to defend it to the death, because even if there was a small gap in his religious belief, maybe he would return to that life inferior to humans and ghosts. The extremes he showed have nothing to do with religion, but are his personal problems. Religion is just his symbols and tools, his spiritual drugs.

Gavin is a thoughtful person with excellent language skills. His debate undoubtedly challenged Joe and made Joe very annoyed. The tryst with his wife directly stimulated Joe. The deep evil suppressed by religion erupted and caused him. The final tragedy.

Gavin and Shauna's handling of the matter here is also problematic. Not speaking frankly and facing it directly because of fear, it will cause evil results. If Shauna explained everything to Joe directly and solved the problem face to face, the tragedy might be avoided; if Gavin called the police as soon as he knew the incident, the tragedy should also be avoided. However, human nature is like this, not everyone has the ability to choose the most rational solution. Everything has become fate.

This seems to be a movie about religion, but in the end, everything is caused by human nature. Religion is nothing but a person's choice of faith.

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The Ledge quotes

  • Shana Harris: Gavin: You have a very sexy mouth. Shana: A very sexy married mouth.

  • Shana Harris: [Gavin hands Shana a bottle of beer] You got an opener?

    Gavin Nichols: It's not a twist-off?

    Shana Harris: It's OK

    [opens bottle with her teeth]

    Gavin Nichols: Holy shit. Note to Self: Decline blowjob if offered

    [as he passes Shana a second bottle for her to open]