Walk with the truth

Emie 2022-08-14 22:27:44

A work that brings you a heavy haze and dawn of the future.

Many people like suspense movies, and they are obsessed with the touch and pleasure brought about by the step-by-step process of uncovering the truth. Indulging in high IQ and precise planning of the filming is amazing. The process is wonderful, but the profound meaning is better than the plot. It is worthy of you. Think with me.

1. The truth is in the hands of whom?

The truth for truth is: truth is always in the hands of a few people. So what kind of minority people become extremely critical: the good ones will magnify the truth, and the evil ones will bury the truth.

The content of the work about "the negative impact of animal husbandry on the earth's air, water, land, ocean, biodiversity, and even human nature" is an indisputable fact. The author conveys the truth to people with profound and simple exploration and vivid display methods. At the same time, rights contenders have been carrying out a full range of truth burying in a society that is accessible to humans for many years, decorating the world that people are allowed to see, and arbitrarily interfering with people's values.

The world has never lacked truth, but there is a lack of people who seek and promote the truth. Mankind has developed for thousands of years, and scientific research on nature, humanities, and life has reached a very high level of water quality. There are sufficient methodology to explore any proposition, and the truth is at the end. However, why the truth is still far away from us, just like if we don't watch this work, we won't know the truth behind the animal husbandry industry, why have we always been the dolls of other people's rights games, why have we fallen into ignorance all the time? Our ancestors did not pass on the genes of truth to us. In any age, the truth needs individuals to actively explore it. Whether the truth is so close to you as the answer after a search engine, or a nod to the end of the world, we need to walk alone. . For those who are waiting for the truth to appear in front of them, what is in front of them will only be the "falsifications" instilled in you by others, and behind that lies infinite conspiracies and co-created tragedies.

And what kind of person are you? Have you searched for the truth?

2. Change, even if you encounter the truth, can you not do it?

Encountering the truth, but keeping the truth is two different things.

An official in the work mentioned his attitude regarding the treatment of methane gas: "It is already difficult for humans to think about carbon dioxide, so don't let them doubt it anymore." This kind of comment gave me a great shock. It seemed that I saw the powerlessness of people's recognition and behavior. Could it be that human beings can't afford it to this point? Unable to accept the truth, even less able to hold the truth, can only spend a lifetime "comfortably" in ignorance?

People know that smoking is harmful to Jingkang, but they continue to absorb it. This has nothing to do with the tobacco industry.

People know that it's time to travel green, but they will buy better cars if they have money. This has nothing to do with the vehicle industry.

And if people know that animal husbandry will cause unsustainable development on the planet, will they stop eating meat? Does he really do?

Sadly, the truth is right in front of you, but I don’t have the confidence and courage to do it!

Humans pride themselves on being at the top of the biological chain, conquering nature and conquering the world. Whether in the armed battlefield with real guns and live ammunition, the information-based Matrix, or even the new revolution of biological genes, mankind has historical proof of invincibility. Today, the battlefield is in people’s hearts. This time, mankind wins.

In fact, we are our only warrior and our only doctor, and the power to change and the power to uphold the truth is not outside, but in the heart of each of us.

3. Vegetarian food means putting values ​​into food!

In order to survive and multiply, we need a "sustainable" and "prosperous" earth. Vegetarian food is the fundamental solution. Vegetarian food is far more than just for the survival of human beings or the health of individuals.

In today's prosperous economy, we need a value of wisdom and love to guide us to treat the world soberly and happily, no longer plan conspiracies, no longer fall into chaos, no longer be inextricable, no longer fragile and weak. It will awaken the upside-down nightmare, awaken the power of courage, and the spiritual world of mankind will be as colorful as the material world. We will walk side by side with the truth and illuminate every corner of our life!

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Extended Reading

Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret quotes

  • Kip Andersen: Two environmental specialists at the World Bank Group using the *global* standard for measuring greenhouse gases concluded that animal agriculture was responsible for 51% of human-caused climate change, when the loss of carbon sinks, respiration, and methane are properly accounted for, which the UN study failed to address.

  • Kip Andersen: Hydraulic fracturing for natural gas uses a staggering amount of water: 100 billion gallons every year in the U.S. But when I compared this with animal agriculture, raising livestock just in the U.S. consumes 34 trillion gallons of water! And, it turns out, the methane emission from both industries are nearly equal.