I think I will put the dog down while running towards the end of the world

Margot 2022-11-17 16:04:56

1. The first half is very funny. This may be the way that each of us will choose when facing terminal illnesses, debauchery, freedom, cherish all the time to do what has not been done, boldly try everything, and no longer be bound by the rules, because I am about to say goodbye.

2. To be honest, I have been expecting something to happen to him and that girl student.

3. Does the film convey values? Yes, and I don’t think it’s a negative value. Regarding a man in his forties facing emotional failure and at the end of his life, some words are his summary of life and advice to others. Of course, it’s crazy to get numb in class, fire off with male classmates gg, bar, and naturally joke with cheating wives.

3. He finally said, "When you spend your entire life on something and finally find that it is wrong, there is no doubt that your life is a failure." I think he is talking about his feelings. I can't understand it. What kind of religion does he believe in being so calm when facing his wife's derailment?

4. Why is our soul so broken, absurd, but perfect? ​​When you examine it carefully, it is so perfect.

5. If a 30-year-old person who fails to achieve nothing and fails, it will be more emotional. The terrible thing is that most men can't live the life they want, and can't have the feelings they want, so they can only hold it here. A bottle of beer to see how this man with cancer faces life crazily and does things that he can't do.

6. A few years later, when I become the state I just said, I will come back to watch this movie again, and maybe have new feelings, but it's really hard to meet such a waiter in a bar in Datianchao.

7. My emergency contact person is my gardener, also called San Diego, hahaha

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Extended Reading

The Professor quotes

  • Claire: The person one loves at first is not the person one loves at last. Love is not an end. It's a process through which one person attempts to know another.


    Claire: That's it.

    Richard: And, in a word?

    Claire: In TWO words, deceptively simple.

  • Peter: Why are you wearing sunglasses?

    Richard: I have cancer. I'm supposed to wear sunglasses in unusual places.