As a villain, this movie will eventually see people flowing back into the body

Annabell 2022-11-29 06:16:30

Actually, my taste is very low. I usually don’t have my brain to watch horror movies, but I really want to call it a bad movie. In the early stage, these villains gave people a very handsome and sick feeling. Later you will find that they are A group of iron fives, one by one, are quite extraordinary. They are more handsome than anyone else. They are no more than three seconds handsome. They walked to each other face to face on the open lawn, holding guns and they couldn’t beat the protagonist with a stick. ; In the end, they all sneaked into the hostess’s house. The result was an ambush set up by the hostess to kill him. What kind of fairy villains, this IQ and this level, can’t you set yourself on fire with your own group of people and haunted houses? There is also the clown in white clothes, who has been pestering the hat-wearing man and saying, "Do you still want to see my face? Do you still want to know my name?", I was waiting for him to tell his story However, as soon as the stick went down, there was no more information, and several mysterious foreshadowings were planted, but in the end, they did not explain what they came from. The same goes for the heroine’s boyfriend. Looking at his posture, I thought he had to go in to clean the entire haunted house, but the one who died was more casual than the other.

In short, the whole movie feels nondescript, the plot is plain and not compact enough, the bloody scenes are pitiful, and there is no sense of depression and fear. Everyone's death is sloppy, and there is no fluctuation in the heart and even want to laugh. , I can only say that the director is not good at making horror movies

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Haunt quotes

  • Ghost: [revealing his modified face] It's A Work In Progress

  • [last lines]

    Harper: Let's see what's under the mask