I think this video is good

Gregorio 2022-11-10 21:53:58

I have seen most of the reasons for the low ratings of this film. There are two main reasons. The first is that the original theme of female awakening disappeared or "died" in the second half of the film, which made most people want to watch it. The person who finished the revenge lore with the heroine heartily finally saw Claire just sang a song to the badass male lead and was unhappy. The second is that the themes and styles are too mixed. With the addition of Billy the black, the final revenge he completed may give people who originally thought or want to see the heroine's independent revenge have a feeling that there are too many elements. In addition, some people think that there are more violence, rape, gang rape and other elements in this B-level film too much and unnecessary and so on. I will give this video 4⭐. First of all, it may be that I prefer women's independence and the awakening of female consciousness in movies. If you put aside this more subjective personal preference, then I actually think this film is worth 4⭐. From the perspective of the plot, if you want to reach the standard of good-looking and worth watching, according to my personal opinion, this kind of film must be authentic + legendary. And the two must be perfectly integrated, pursuing legendary under the premise of authenticity. The two are indispensable, and the authenticity is reflected in the low status of women and blacks (and Irish) in that era, the war background, and the environment. This is actually very good. The hostess Claire was raped from the beginning as a slave when she was asked to sing by the villain male protagonist (to associate the name of the movie, it means treating the female protagonist as a thing or animal), and then Claire's husband and baby were killed. This passage gave me the feeling that the hostess was still in a state of tolerance. The fuse was the killing of her husband and children, which aroused her anger as a wife and mother. So embarked on a journey of revenge. What happens to ordinary women here? (Most of them may be suicide or living alive) Claire chose revenge. This is the legendary beginning of the story. But Claire could not complete this dangerous journey alone, and there must be a guide, so the black boy Billy joined, adding to the legend of the story. In fact, from the beginning of the film, it was not only a single theme about female consciousness, but also explored the good and evil in human hearts through the performance of stubborn gender, geographic, and racial discrimination in human society for thousands of years. Just like Claire asked the black Billy on the beach, "Do you have anyone like this (bad guy like the bad guy)" Billy said yes, elders will teach them. Claire continued to ask, what if they didn't change it? Billy said it would kill them. Although Claire and Billy belong to different races, they are both at the bottom, and they look at the problem in the purest and simplest form. Claire is different. As an innocent and kind woman, she has been nightmare and often has nightmares because she killed the first big man (the man who threw her child to death). There are several in the film who shoot up in the jungle. The shots of the sky are all Claire’s subjective shots. She is the embodiment of good in the film. She will be disturbed when she kills people, so that she can no longer complete revenge (this is one of the reasons), and the bad guy (I forget What is his name?) is the incarnation of pure evil. He is also condemned for killing people, but he uses more cruel and endless evil to restrain and suppress the uneasiness of conscience, and uses status and clothes to cover up the ugliness of his heart. He kept his head down all the way, looking for a way for him to be promoted.

However, from the beginning of the quarrel between his boss and him, from his arguments and statements, what we have to ignore is that the worst thing is not himself, the war.

I don’t think the violent and bloody scenes in the film are unnecessary.

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The Nightingale quotes

  • Clare: Get me to the soldiers that came by this morning.

  • Hawkins: That's just the way, isn't it? You don't want trouble but sometimes trouble wants you.