Stay away from life-threatening philosophy, go to God with Liu Xiaofeng, or stay away from God with Bergman?

Elza 2022-01-12 08:01:31

On Thursday night, World Philosophy Day, the Department of Philosophy of CUHK naturally echoed a philosophy week. The academic star teacher Liu Xiaofeng took this opportunity to advise everyone to stay away from philosophy, especially the Western Enlightenment philosophy based on Cartesian mathematical logic and Kant's descendants, saying that it was life-threatening, to the effect that Kant pulled the latecomers into a mathematical logic. Seek to prove the "whether the soul exists" in a dead end. Many smart people have spent their entire lives in the depths of the hutongs. Yang Jiang is sorrowful and immersed in the translation of Plato’s dialogue "Phaedo"; Derrida, Lacan, and Foucault have cut some in the depths of the dead end. The deeper and more deadly ones are called structuralism, postmodernism, deconstructionism, surrealism, neo-structuralism, ultra-new post-existentialism, and other dead ends; Nietzsche is so annoying that he doesn't play with those philosophers; Dostoevs Ji couldn't figure it out, so he gave up altogether.
Trying to use speculative and even quantitative methods to question the soul is doomed to be incomprehensible and even endangering their lives. The above-mentioned people may be able to see a wall at the bottom of the hutong, and the last day of Socrates is projected on the wall, and Socrates eventually did this. I lost my name when I asked.
Therefore, Liu Xiaofeng is fortunate that he "has faith and poetry as a companion" and will not use his brains on the infinite questioning that endangers his life. In the end, he argued and educates to establish the legitimacy for his religious and poetic research. The whole lecture structure is the same as his book, rigorous, neat and well-documented, and at the end, it justifies itself after returning to the starting point.
The above is also my layman's understanding of the "anti-philosophical night" as a layman in philosophy, religion, and poetry.

The next night, I continued to stay away from my gossip line, split back into the embrace of art films, and watched Bergman’s "Silent Trilogy" (in fact, my Bergman enlightenment, and even art film enlightenment, all originated from my junior year. A screening event at the early stage of joining the Kunming Film Study Group, "Winter Light"), in order, of course, "Still in the Mirror".
This time it was discovered that Bergman only walked for a short while in the small alley that asked whether the soul and God existed-as far as the mouth of "Virgin Spring", during which he played a game of chess with the god of death "The Seventh Seal"- -He completely withdrew from the alley and refused any effort to find the existence of God. As a result, he was not endangered by the behavior of questioning, and now, at the age of 94, he is still alive. Unlike Liu Xiaofeng, Bergman completely renounced his beliefs. From "Still in the Mirror", the only time God appeared and turned into a spider through emotional performance, to the "Silence of God" towards Jesus and the priest in "Winter Light" ", and then to the complete absence of supernatural power in the completely unfamiliar foreign context in "The Silence"; corresponding to the trilogy, he said that he experienced a process of "from conquering conviction to perspective conviction to God's silence", and finally He chose a journey opposite to poetic and divine nature, which is drama and literature.
At the end of "Still in the Mirror", the father and son can talk about "God is love, love is God" from the perspective of the bystander, so as to be a completely useless remedy for daughter Kailin's aftercare and love for the atheist.
Bergman said that the Karen he portrayed in "Still in the Mirror" is a case of split personality with religious fanaticism. She always has a god in her heart directing her behavior, causing her insomnia and a keen hearing to capture her. Sound outside of nature. This imaginary god is superego, so her husband Martin can’t reach it and can’t pull Kailin back; this imaginary god is full of love, pretending to be his younger brother Minas, displacing love and ethics; this imaginary god is It is difficult to dispel, so the novelist father David coldly used his daughter's case as the material for his artistic creation; the god of imagination attacked from all sides but firmly guarded Kailin, it was a big spider.

Tiantian always says that she has poor sleep and often has abnormal hearing. Fortunately, she has no faith and will not encounter the superego spider.

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Through a Glass Darkly quotes

  • Fredrik: I'm an artist.

    Karin: Artist?

    Fredrik: Yes, Princess, a thoroughbred artist: a poet with no poems, a painter with no pictures, a musician with no music. I despise ready... made art, the banal result of vulgar effort. My life is my work and dedicated to my love for you.

  • Karin: Funny, you always say and do the very right thing... and it's always wrong.