Anti-identity, anti-feminist, anti-political correctness

Hayden 2022-10-04 10:20:25

Only by maintaining a tense state of confrontation can any culture be able to innovate and advance: In 2017, "Calmness" made many viewers unable to calm down anymore and became an iron fan of the comedy king Dave Chappell——

Rachel Dolezal, a white woman born in 1977, pretended to be black by tanning, hairstyles, and imitating accents:


She is very eloquent and actively participates in the black life. In 2014, she was elected as the chairman of the Spokane Branch of the Association for the Advancement of Colored People and became a well-known black civil rights activist in the United States:


In 2015, her white parents and classmates couldn't bear it, exposing her birth certificate and childhood photos, and public opinion was in an uproar. Rachel argued that whether a person is black or white does not depend on their biological race, but just like transgender. A white has a black heart and is a black person.

Rachel was forced to resign and was notoriously unable to find a job (only pornography and reality TV were willing to ask for her), and was convicted last year for defrauding social security.

Political correctness is overcorrected and delusional. The preferential treatment of blacks and minorities in terms of school enrollment, employment, welfare, etc. essentially hides the discrimination and arrogance in the bones: because of your skin color and race, you are not worthy to enjoy the same standards as others .

Some politicians have forgotten their ancestors, and in order to gain various preferential treatment and political benefits, they do not hesitate to fake their race.

Dave Chappell's "Calmness" severely criticizes shameless politicians:

Just like the white Bitch who often reported to pretend to be black, Rachel Dolezal, who was obviously a white but dressed as a black, eventually became the chief "black" civil rights leader. I hope to have dinner with her face to face, and then look into her eyes and call her "nigger" face to face (the audience roars with laughter).

It’s normal to have tears from the talk shows of George Carlin, Kevin Hart and others, but this time the tears seem to be hotter than usual...

Dave Chapel believes that Trump is unreasonable, racially discriminatory, and ignorant:

Relocating jobs in China back to the United States? Do you think that Americans like to wear Nike and like to make Nike?
Trump will make America better. When we hate him together, we are a whole, a more united and better America.

Dave Chappell reflected on his introspection. In fact, his (public) common sense is sometimes as blank as Trump; because of the neutral remarks like "I hope Trump will give black people a chance, we also give Trump a chance", He was brutally attacked...

Listening to it is clear. The latest Dave Chappell special "A Smile" which was broadcast recently made a sensation on the Internet. At the beginning, he defended Michael Jackson and denounced the documentary "Leaving Neverland" as disgusting, and the conversation turned:

I know this is cruel, but someone has to teach these children, how can there be such a good thing as a free trip to Hawaii! People will definitely want to see your chrysanthemums and the like.

Regardless of the truth, there is no free lunch in the world.

Kevin Hart withdrew from this year’s Oscars due to his anti-same remarks many years ago. Dave Chappell fought against him and used his own experience as an example to illustrate the absurdity of over-protection and over-sensitivity to LGBTQ groups——

Dead glass

The TV producer disputed the term "dead glass" in Dave's comedy script, and Dave was a little puzzled:

I just ask, why do I say "nigger" is all right, but can't say "dead glass"?

Producer's answer: Because you are not gay.

Dave said: (Yes) I'm not a nigger either?


This paragraph is great, natural, plain, concise, and philosophical, it is very exciting, the audience responded with long applause, and the ticket price of 500 US dollars is super value!

Love you, Dave!

If you have to limit this love, I hope it is: 10,000 times!

Cultural relativism is a core concept of political correctness: all beings are equal, culture and customs do not exist high or low, but " cultural misappropriation " is strictly prohibited. It is OK for blacks to call each other a nigger, and others call a nigga just swearing and racial discrimination.

So, call the glass between homosexuality is harmless ridicule, other groups are "cultural appropriation" is a serious homophobic, anti-same; child marriage is the custom of the people, you child marriage is rape young girls, rapists, Abnormal, scum, scum...

Look, political correctness is so hypocritical and absurd: whether words and deeds themselves are discriminatory and sinful is not the point, but the point is who these words and deeds come from.

The Alphabet People (LGBTQ) that no one dares to mess with, Dave is full of firepower: LGBT rides in the same car, gays and lesbians hate bisexuality that takes both sexes, queer (Q) wants to take a ride, Transgender people cannot find the restroom...

Deserve it

Everyone has the right to be himself without infringing on the freedom of others. It is your right to fall in love with an alien or a cucumber, but we oppose anyone (including the alphabet) overriding others in the name of political correctness. Above, this is equality in the true sense.

The extremely sensitive and controversial Mi Rabbit movement, abortion, gun control, the gap between the rich and the poor, campus bullying, campus shootings, of course, are also within the range of the unruly Dave...

Dave, who has a superior family background and a smooth career, apparently criticizes the lower class and minority groups, but in fact he has a deep understanding and sympathy for the bottom psychology and the suffering of the bottom. I was ridiculed by my classmates in school. At that moment, I seemed to be relived by Marx. All you have lost is the chain:

Tears in the eyes

With tears in your eyes, how can you laugh it off?

We don’t have to and cannot agree with every view of Dave, but his anti-political correctness courage, sharp, powerful philosophical thinking deserves the audience’s tribute:

pay tribute

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Dave Chappelle: Sticks & Stones quotes

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