Very artistic Indian horror film

Hayden 2022-11-11 14:04:06

The narratives of Indian movies that are both elegant and popular, flat and straightforward, singing and dancing, and good and evil are rewarded. We have watched a lot, but this work is completely another genre. It has a strong artistic and ideological quality, and the appreciation has not diminished in the slightest. More successful works.

When the protagonist was a child, he lived with his brother and mother in a remote village of Tabard, where there is a castle ruin. Legend has it that there lived a goddess who would continue to make gold coins, the demon of Tabard.

A pair of brothers also had a terrifying ugly grandmother locked in a dark room. The protagonist went to feed his grandmother at a time. After learning something, the grandmother’s transformation into a ghost was related to the demons and gold coins in the castle, and the mother did have one. Gold coins, these gold coins brought bad luck to the mother's family.

The younger brother died in an accident, and the mother took the protagonist away from home and left this weird and desolate village cursed by the devil. However, the sparkling gold coins were firmly imprinted in the protagonist's heart.

Decades later, the poor protagonist returned to the ruins and started a treasure hunt. He succeeded. Every time he went, he always brought back some gold coins.

He wants to enter a deep shaft in the ruins through a rope, and then into the magic cave, which is like a human womb, surrounded by soft walls and scarlet mucus. Then, the demon Tabad with a gold coin pocket on his waist will appear. The protagonist must Bravely deal with it, throw out the little noodle man that the devil loves to eat in advance, grab the gold coin from its gold coin pocket while it eats the noodle man, and then quickly crawl out of the hole. This is completely exchange for gold coins. , If you are not careful, you will be swallowed by the devil. If you are scratched by the devil, you will be half-human and half-ghost like your grandmother.

The protagonist's life of drinking and drinking and the greed for gold coins made the protagonist want to stop. As he grew older, he began to train his young son to practice climbing ropes. Finally, he took his son to the devil's cave and successfully grabbed the gold coins. The excited son came up with an idea; if we prepare a multifaceted man at once, we can grab more gold coins while Tabard eats the faceless man.

When they brought a bunch of face men into the devil's cave, they saw as many Tabad swarms as there were face men.

In the end, greed makes the protagonist's family continue to fall into the demon curse brought about by greed.

The gloomy sky, the continuous rainy season, the scarlet caves, and the black Tabard constitute the keynote of the film, which sets off the extraordinary depression and horror of the film. The lens, lighting, and music are all very particular, and there is no singing and dancing performance at all, which is completely downplayed. The label of traditional Indian film.

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Tumbbad quotes

  • Vinayak's Mother: Sleep, else Hastar will come for you.

  • Title Card: 'The world has enough for everyone's need, but not for everyone's greed.' - Mahatma Gandhi

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