One Flour Doll, One Hasta, Many Flour Dolls, Many Hasta

Conner 2022-09-20 14:04:01

One flour doll, one Hasta, many flour dolls, many Hasta. The spread of desire brings a painful price beyond what I can bear. The hero's monster grandma turned into a tree after 15 years. The womb of the goddess conceives life, and the inheritance of the line is not only the reproduction of the physical, but also the inheritance of the mind and consciousness. The male lead burned the tree, but failed to cut off his rot as a branch.

Greed is a shortcut to gain. Human beings always want to reach the sky in one step and reap the benefits. But this is not in line with the original intent of life, the soul should gain true strength in completion and tempering. "The earth is sufficient to satisfy our needs, but it cannot satisfy our greed" , this is the first picture in the opening film.

The scene that moved me the most was at the end of the film. Seeing his father who has turned into a monster and holding a bag of gold coins to seduce him, the son shook his head and cried and threw the fire at him. At this moment, my father smiled with relief. Although it has changed beyond recognition, it is indeed an expression of relief. It was finally over. This damn desire and greed, which he and his ancestors could not resist and comprehend in this life, his son did.

"Go to sleep, otherwise Hasta will come to you".

When children are not sleeping, adults like to use witches and monsters to intimidate them. Religion makes good use of the arguments of hell and punishment to restrain sentient beings. If you think about it, from a certain angle, this is a way to cure evil. Hasta is eternally hungry, and the psychological desire for more eventually becomes a physical curse. Just like desire has no end, the abyss has no life. Before we are devoured, we must devour what we want to devour us.

Sadhguru said, "God is just a name, representing those things that transcend limitations." When we call for God's blessing, we are praying that they can take themselves through pain, darkness, and all situations that make us helpless and confused. But in fact, the true savior is in our hearts. Greed, anger, ignorance, and suspicion are the most sourced seeds of each person.

Fortunately, the director gave such an ending instead of developing into an open-ended direction, such as the son taking the coins, or the direction of becoming a monster with his father. "We must have extraordinary spiritual discipline to awaken our own inner great spiritual sun." No matter how dark or nasty the end of human nature, we must believe that we are souls with free will, and we can always choose a good fight.

The goddess of prosperity is a symbol of infinite gold and food. The earth is her womb. When the universe was created, she gave birth to 1.61 gods. But the goddess loves her first child, Hasta. But today you will not find his name in any ancient bible.
Why dad?
Because he wants all the gold and food of the goddess. He managed to get gold. But while she was taking the food, all the other gods attacked him and suffered a lot of blows. Hasta was shattered. Before he was broken into stars, the goddess rescued him. But there is a condition that he will never be worshipped and will be forgotten forever. Hasta has been sleeping in his mother's womb for many years. But one day, our ancestors turned to him and built a temple in his name. They said that from that day on, the gods were angry. Tabard was rainy.
Why do we ask him for help?
Because the curse of Hasta is our gift.
What's the meaning?
You will know... when you go in.
Where to go?
When entering the womb of the goddess.

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Tumbbad quotes

  • Vinayak's Mother: Sleep, else Hastar will come for you.

  • Title Card: 'The world has enough for everyone's need, but not for everyone's greed.' - Mahatma Gandhi

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