Freedom, I'm talking about freedom

Ariel 2022-09-30 08:09:44

When a movie makes me cry in the theater, I have to wait for the end subtitles to calm down. I know what I need to write about it.

It is indeed very similar to Lady Bird. The emotions aroused by this movie are very personal. It has nothing to do with the objective quality of the film, it just overwhelms me easily.

Some things happened today, and some things happened recently. In fact, they have nothing to do with me, but they are all related to me. I just can't just be an indifferent bystander. I can feel the pain and despair first-hand, but I don't know how to resist. I felt like I was approached in a dead end, the harder I pushed, the more unable to breathe.

Almost ten minutes into the film, I began to fidget and suffer. I really can't see such a thing. Seeing what I believe in, respect, and cherish is inhumanely attacked, suppressed, and forbidden in the name of "love" and "belief." They are just a group of children, a group of good children who have not really understood and mastered their own life direction.

Let’s start with Yang Yongxin’s general quit "same" religious school. They help boys correct their "feminization" and physically make them more manly through rigid training methods such as baseball and track and field. Psychologically, through a series of methods of control, pressure, and even insults and bullying, they make them confess their sins and blame them on others.

Their slogan is loud: Fake it until you make it. They know all this is false, but they are not ashamed of it.

Oh, do all of this sound familiar?

I think it's probably because of the backlash that I didn't know how to say for a long time, and it all exploded after seeing this movie. Not to mention religion, there are too many factors in the sharp reality before our eyes that are more dark and cruel than it. I'm only angry from the ground, and I can only be angry.

Over the past year or so, my outlook on life has undergone earth-shaking changes, and hopes and dreams have become worthless. However, even so, I still retain some of the most naive and naive views in my heart, like a root line buried deeper underneath, which has not changed. I still insist that freedom is a person's bottom-line right. What kind of life I want to live, what kind of person I will become, only me, only I can make the decision.

Respect for individual differences, I think this is a particularly simple truth, but found that it does not make sense in this society. You are not what others want to see, then you are wrong. This is ridiculous.

Boys can't be "girly", girls? Well, society only needs girls to give birth to children in the shadows. After all, they will be accused of accidents if they drive out of the car. Covering a song of a classic musical will be banned from the entire network. But when a man falls in love with a man and a woman falls in love with a woman, it is even more so to deceive the teacher and destroy the ancestors, belittle the relationship between people, and definitely cannot be accepted.

I feel that as I grow older, I have made a lot of compromises to these so-called "rules of the game" in the adult world, and I don’t care about it. But at this point, I mean I don’t understand anything and can’t accept it. Why can't a good citizen who obeys the law and does not influence others live in the way he likes? Is it just because he/she is different from the common sense of most people?

I have seen a post before, praising Chengdu people’s attitude towards life, which can be summed up in two sentences, "What is it about me?" and "What is it about you?", I think it is very insightful. To put it bluntly, it is self-consistent and tolerant. The five thousand years of Chinese culture has a long history, and it tolerates how many Yi civilizations have been accepted. The times are constantly advancing. Why is it in 8012? These simple ways of doing what you want, loving the individual differences you love still have to be devastated?

Another topic in the film that is so heavy that I can't avoid it, is, yes, and the relationship between parents and children.

Jared lives in a pious Christian family, and his father is a respectable pastor. The image of the father means to him tall, authoritative, sacred, and inviolable. Jared threw off the game console, and for the first time tore off his humility and commitment. It was the moment to be honest with his parents about his sexuality. However, the momentary courage was when my father called two other highly respected religious figures, whose majesty*3 approached Jared. They asked him "Do you want to change?" There was a long silence in the film, which was so long that I was about to suffocate me. He even opened his mouth and started shouting silently: NO! ! ! However, Jared, who was still young, turned back, agreeing to accept a harsher transformation against his will. Jared, who had suffered a lot of oppression, finally refused to be changed, but at the same time he paid the price of breaking with his father.

Four years later, I experienced more conversations between Jared and his father in the office, which made my tears completely burst.

Father tried to ease the relationship with Jared by giving Christmas gifts, but said that he still could not accept Jared's sexual orientation. Jared said, I am a gay and I am your son. Both of these are facts that cannot be changed. And you say you are not ready to lose me, then, I'm sorry, only you can make changes.

If you have read the long review I wrote to Lady Bird, you will find that my tears are very stable, because in fact, I am back to the same topic.

Because Jared's father is more extreme and tougher than the mother in Lady Bird, maybe I will say more extreme.

I wrote six or seven hundred words for the next content, but after considering it again and again, I decided not to publish it on the Internet. Everyone has a dark side in their hearts, I am not afraid to face it, but I really shouldn't expose it too much, after all, I don't need to provoke the existing harmony. In a word, I don't believe that the love of parents for their children is completely unselfish and unconditional, and the love of children for their parents is the same, because human nature is the same. I am grateful for the fetters of family, I just don't believe that I am lucky enough. So I can only pray now that such conflicts should never happen, and everything is fine and peaceful.

Freedom, so I am talking about freedom. In the dim eyes of my tears, Jared stretched out his hand out of the window again and waved in the wind. It is dangerous to stick out his hand outside the car. When he was young, he believed and obeyed his mother's instructions. When he was young, he was speechless when he asked his mother who prevented him from being angry. Years later, he laughed and read what his mother had collected. evidence. However, it doesn't matter anymore, because he no longer needs to succumb to someone's control. The boy who was erased finally belongs to himself, he is free, truly free.

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Boy Erased quotes

  • Jared Eamons: I wish this never happened but sometimes I thank God that it did.

  • Marshall Eamons: Study the Bible. Study his word. I guarantee you, every question you have... You gonna find an answer in this book.