"Blood Battle of Hacksaw Ridge": the birth of a non-mainstream hero

Karl 2022-03-16 09:01:02

To sum it up briefly and roughly, "Blood Battle of Hacksaw Ridge" tells the story of the birth of a non-mainstream hero. In the age when war is gradually getting away from public view, an excellent war film allows people to relive the scorching heat of blood and fire, visit the tragic scene of the rain of bullets and the corpses everywhere, and thus realize the preciousness of life as never before, and cherish it even more. It is not easy to make peace and oppose the relaunch of war. "Blood War Hacksaw Ridge" is just such a movie. Oscar-winning director Mel Gibson can be called the most suitable genius creator to direct it in this era. He made an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars at a small cost of only 4200w. The texture of the blockbuster. The scene of the war was bloody and tragic, and the plot to save people was heartbreaking. "Blood Battle on Hacksaw Ridge" gave the audience an extremely shocking movie-watching experience. The long-lost male enthusiasm on the screen, looking back at the vicissitudes of history, and the grandeur of the times, are accurately and perfectly concentrated in this movie, which is breathtaking.

Without playing structure and skill, after a brief slow-motion presentation of the battlefield at the beginning, the director followed the character's growth experience and introduced the male protagonist Desmond Dawes from his childhood life. He hurt his brother by mistake and fell into deep confession; the relationship was first opened, and he and his girlfriend promised each other for life; put on uniforms and were tempered in the barracks. Up to this point, the plot is still very routine, but it immediately ushered in a dividing point: Desmond refused to take a gun, and he encountered a series of troubles of being excluded, expelled, and even prosecuted.

At this time, the film's foreshadowing of the Desmond family came in handy. His father was a World War I veteran, but he was an impulsive drunk at home. Desmond once witnessed the dangerous behavior of his father, Ling Ding, raised his gun at his mother after being drunk. Therefore, the film brought up the first controversial topic: his father is a good soldier and a hero commended by the country, but he is not a good husband or a good father. He transferred the damage caused by the war to his wife and children. Is it worth advocating to sacrifice for the country so far? His own experience made Desmond determined not to take up a gun. This seemingly childish and angry behavior can hardly be regarded as a thing in the eyes of ordinary people. As my girlfriend persuaded: Can't you just pretend to take it? But he did not give in, this is the principle he cannot compromise.

However, Desmond's stubbornness put him into a crisis. The army requires absolute obedience and lacks an inclusive mechanism to treat minorities, which makes him extremely unlikely to be an exception. With the goal of being a medical soldier not only not achieved, but also regarded as heresy, the manager tried every means to drive him out of the army. At this time his war has arrived, that is, against discipline. He wants to fight for his freedom not to take a gun. How to obtain the freedom that one insists on in a disciplined and unkind army is the second controversial topic of the film.

In order to rescue Desmond, his father, a veteran, reappeared. At this time, I have an illusion that while my father is saving his son out of his father's love, he is also rescuing his youth when he is young. From the film, we can see that although he survived the war and returned to his hometown, his father's life was extremely muddled and depressed, and he did not seem to be a hero at all. After learning that a son had joined the army without consultation, his father obviously disagrees. I think what the father is afraid of is undoubtedly that even if his sons return alive, they will become like themselves. The latter and death, he did not want to see. When the father found his son stubborn to such a degree, there was no trace of relief in his heart, because at least he would not repeat his mistakes.

Go back to Desmond and fight for his freedom not to take a gun. The inevitable evil of the mechanized management of the army is to transform everyone into a machine that can operate accurately and without error when it is well-winded. But at the same time that the personality is dying, how much humanity is left? Therefore, not holding a gun is only a small matter, but it is related to Desmond's defense of the integrity of his own spirit. And this is something that soldiers often lose, and the fatal thing is that it is difficult for them to realize that they have lost it; it is this loss of freedom that keeps them trapped on the battlefield for a lifetime.
In a way, they were already dead on the battlefield. When Desmond's father returned home like a zombie, the rest of his life was wasted and wasted in the battlefield and the painful memories of the battlefield, unable to go out. To be more serious, they committed suicide when they murdered without hesitation. As a counterexample, his father aims to illustrate the alienation of war and Desmond's efforts to resist this alienation.

From cumbersome eyesight, to harmlessness, to new heroes, the film uses Desmond's changes in the eyes of his comrades as clues to organize the second half of the plot. The most tear-jerking part of "Blood Battle on Hacksaw Ridge" is that Desmond risked his life when he was physically exhausted, and went deep into the front line to start the rescue with unpredictable life and death. This is his unique stupidity and foolishness. Because his enemy is death.
Someone tried to teach him to be "smart" and persuaded him with words such as "Don't save it, it's hard to protect yourself; don't save it, he won't survive anyway." But he returned to the purgatory-like battlefield over and over again and again, backing one after another with his comrades in arms, regardless of the pros and cons of this kind of pros and cons.

Even a child knows that some things are not worth taking a chance because of the small probability, especially taking risks with life, but Desmond can't learn it, and doesn't want to learn such calculations. This is what he is so valuable and respectable. Because what he defeated was not death, nor probability, but the fear and retreat of mankind before the two.

Desmond is one of the few true survivors of the tragic war, because he witnessed death and knew its cruelty and did not become its helper. Instead, he used his own power to snatch life in its hands and race against him against the clock. He even rescued a few Japanese soldiers. His kindness, tolerance, and love are all living healthy in him, and he has not died because of the war, and he has successfully rescued the dying beautiful emotions in his comrades. Because of their existence, the spiritual home of mankind can be saved from desolation.

In order to give the audience a deeper understanding of Desmond’s beliefs, the film also took a lot of time to show religious elements. For example, Desmond prayed with the Bible in his hand; after the rescue on the battlefield, he washed away the blood on his body and became the spiritual pillar of the team as if he was an incarnation of God; and when he was carried on a stretcher and transported down after being injured, the light from far away penetrated The clouds, as if the gods descend, of course this may be a personal illusion. Desmond is not a god after all, except for himself, he can't prevent anyone from killing; but the moment he saved his life, he was the closest to God.
"Blood Battle on Hacksaw Ridge" is adapted from real life. The protagonist Desmond has a prototype in history. With his own hands, he accomplished an incredible feat of saving 75 people (this is not a specific number, how many people have been saved? The parties can't remember it). The captain who once embarrassed him, said in tears in the end of the interview that he did not expect that he saved me; when I read it wrong, the misunderstanding was resolved, Desmond is still shy, green, and ordinary regardless of the previous suspicions. Big boy. The officer played by Sam Worthington said to him: I don’t know what your faith is, but I know your faith is so firm. An image of a non-mainstream hero was born in the film.

But personally, the salvation of life is not actually the most touching part of the film. What moved me most was that a non-mainstream found a place to live and realize their own value in a society that was unfriendly to them. In "Blood War Hacksaw Ridge", the mainstream once wanted to kill, to put it mildly, to include the non-mainstream Desmond, but finally admitted the error and absurdity of this approach, and offered praise and recognition for the non-mainstream. Accepted it convincingly, guiltily, and respectfully.

Through this war, people realized that the non-mainstream seemed incompatible with the mainstream everywhere; they were able to surpass the mainstream on a higher level. He can't do what most people can do; but he can do what most people can't do. This time, the mainstream surrendered; but people all agreed that this was a significant defeat.

"Blood War Hacksaw Ridge" provides an excellent case of non-mainstream and mainstream coexistence and influence the mainstream at the same time, but at the same time it should be noted: it is accidental. If the hero's father had not entrusted the old comrade-in-arms leader to write that letter, this brave but not understood soldier would never have the opportunity to go to the battlefield. It is his rarity that allows us to reflect on the layered screening mechanism of mainstream society. Behind its seemingly safe and insurable approach is to filter out dissidents who are deemed to be inconsistent with the mainstream value identity, and finally get a group of mediocre greatest common divisors. , Obviously, Desmond cannot be divisible by it.

A society needs a common multiple, not a common factor, to unite, and the same is true for an army. In the end, Desmond, who became the spiritual pillar of the combat team, was just like that. He was questioned as a coward and insane for refusing to take a gun, but the facts have proved how much we need such a fool; because we know that only they will make such a choice; it is this choice that saved us. How lucky we will be at that time, we have retained their freedom to be stupid.

A world where only a single value is recognized is terrible, because everyone is shrewd and knows how to protect themselves, making unanimous choices that are extremely rational and inevitably cold-blooded. Desmond became the opponent who didn't know how to promote. At the moment of rescue, there was only a simple sentence left in his heart, "God, let me save another one." At this time, he looked like a foolish man with bare hands. Carrying lives in hell and the world. It's just that this is not a fairy tale about the last manifestation of a god, but he finally allowed a god-like lofty and broad emotion to be restored in the hearts of the soldiers.

We always give medals to the dead and martyrs, praising the sacrifices they made for the country and future generations. But have we ever thought that the reward that soldiers actually want most is to live to see the day when peace and victory come, rather than to become a cold corpse to be remembered. There is no contradiction between fighting for the country and fighting for oneself. In most cases, death is a breeze. On the contrary, it is much harder to live, and it is even harder to save a person. This is why a doctor in the field moves people so much. He not only alleviated the soldiers' fear of death, but also redefined what bravery and loyalty are.

Desmond once said in a military court that some people committed suicide because they were unable to join the army because of unqualified medical examinations. This is an extreme case of non-mainstream. Because it cannot be integrated into the mainstream, it chooses to destroy. This is scary. When we advocate that society should be pluralistic, it is always difficult to avoid being grudges against those marginalized; the so-called mainstream power cannot be too large, at least not large enough to domesticate individuals, then it becomes brainwashing; the maintenance of society and the hearts of the people cannot rely on violence Admonish, at least from a certain point of view, each of us is non-mainstream, but this does not affect our support for the mainstream, because we have our own support methods, which is the most advanced form of civilized society in my mind. The war destroyed civilization, and Desmond allowed civilization to be rebuilt on the battlefield. This is where his true hero lies. (The author knows ID: Zhao Weiqing)

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Hacksaw Ridge quotes

  • Stretcher Bearer: Some nut's up there dragging wounded from the top. Even lowered a couple of Japs.

  • Desmond Doss: [looking at Hollywood's face wound] It looks much worse than it is. Girls will still want to kiss you.