A little bit of thinking about education caused by little Sheldon~

Chauncey 2022-10-02 03:08:26

Nothing happened on the weekend, so I wanted to go to Sheldon on a whim.

To be honest, this is the first time I have watched an American drama seriously. I have watched "House of Cards" and "Hundred Children of the Earth" one after another for various reasons, but I have not persisted. So I am willing to open Sheldon and start watching, it is also a big change for myself~ Moreover, I also gained a lot of warmth in this family drama~~

Little Shelton has ten episodes in total, each episode is about 20 minutes, and each episode is an independent story. The length is not long, but every story is well told, vividly showing the growth story of young talented Sheldon~~

The mother who is reasonable and respectful of the children, the gentle and dignified father who is a football coach, is always keen on making boyfriends and gambling and the grandmother who takes the children to do some novel things, the grades are poor at home, and some neglected brothers, little angels The twin sister, and our little Sheldon who has a high IQ but a low EQ. Little Sheldon can’t understand many things, why he can’t refute the teacher, and why high school students don’t dress and attend classes in accordance with the rules and regulations. He is stubborn, plus skipped to the ninth grade, younger than everyone, so he is a little out of place with everyone. But, fortunately, in this family, his parents and family have given him the greatest degree of understanding and care. They encouraged and helped him to wander in the ocean of his own knowledge, and they also taught him to learn to understand the world gradually.

When I watched this drama, I was deeply impressed by the three elders in the family, the attitude and the educational methods used in the education of the three children.

In the sixth episode, scientists from the space agency came to Sheldon’s class to do a small interaction. Obviously, scientists cannot answer Sheldon’s suggestion why the space agency did not land the spacecraft safely, but wanted him to crash in the ocean. So Sheldon started his own research to solve this problem. Little cute Sheldon even got a stomach ulcer because of it. However, when he mailed the calculation results to NASA, he never got a reply, and he was very frustrated. At this time, our introverted father chose to take the whole family directly to the NASA to find the scientist, and let his son tell his conclusions in person. Sheldon also felt his father's love for him in the process, and it was also a great encouragement to him~

In the ninth episode, Dad took his brother and Sheldon to watch the rocket launch. The sky was not beautiful and it started to rain heavily, Sheldon was very sad. In order to make Sheldon happy, Dad began to play stupid and asked Sheldon to tell himself how it rained and how thunder and lightning formed. Of course it took many years for Shelton to learn that Dad was acting. Dad's love for Sheldon is really revealed~~

Regarding mother, she is really a great mother. When children make mistakes, she will be very patient to reason with them, and she is a good balancer when father and grandma have conflicts. She also gave the greatest degree of understanding and support for the difference between Sheldon and other children. Sheldon's choking on sausages cast a great shadow over eating solid food. His mother made him a milkshake for five consecutive weeks, and would fully respect his preferences without adding bread. In order to prevent Sheldon from becoming a weird person when he grows up, he would often encourage his father and brother to play with Sheldon.

Grandma, I think she is a more amazing person. She will take the children to play cards, buy fireworks for her brother, take her sister to play, and provide financial guidance to the children. It can be understood that Shelton's parents educated good children in the standard sense, but grandma will teach them another life and let them experience more. Grandma is really an eclectic person.

So in such a good atmosphere, little Sheldon can get good growth. The elders did not give him too much spoiling, but let him grow up like an ordinary nine-year-old child as much as possible on the premise of giving full play to his talent.

When watching this American TV show, I have always felt this strong sense of educational differences between China and the United States. China has had stories of hurting Zhongyong since ancient times. And we will often hear stories about young talents. But somehow I always feel that there is something gimmicky in it. Moreover, such children are generally over-protected by the family, and it is easy to grow into a person who only learns and knows nothing else. I feel that Chinese people often spoil more, while Americans will be more rational in their children's education. But because the United States is the United States, there are many stories in the play that can happen. For example, the father can take the children directly to the Aerospace Center to have an interview with the doctor, which is always impossible in China.

However, in this drama, the elder brother and twin sister who were in the first year of high school with Shelton were ignored to a certain extent. Because Sheldon is different from everyone's, he attracted too much attention from his parents. Mother said that her sister was a lively and lovely little loli, but she didn't have to worry about him. But as an adolescent boy, my brother felt a lot of loneliness and frustration in front of such a smart brother and parents who didn't have so much energy to care for him.

Anyway, this is a great family movie, it's worth watching~

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