Every day from falling asleep to waking up, we will become beginners again

Nola 2022-01-11 08:01:34

The whole plot is a very typical female inspirational and warm film

Shahi, who grew up and lived in a traditional Indian family, just wanted to be an ordinary housewife, gradually out of touch with the times in a fixed life style and a small social circle, because he could not speak English and was ridiculed by his family. In fact, it is not just English. In all respects, Shahi is like an old antique who can't keep up with the rhythm. His lifestyle is single and unchanged. Shahi has already talked to her family members.

As a result, she was forced to come to New York alone because of the marriage of her relatives. Because of language barriers in a foreign country, she decided to learn English after several blows. In the process of simple study around and open heart and communication with others, Shahi gradually regained her self-confidence. , I was able to tell my family what I had hidden in my heart.

The overall situation is relatively clichéd, but fortunately, it avoids the exaggerated performances and sensational problems of Indian movies, and is calm and steady. From the simple to the deep, she draws a woman in a solid, slow-paced traditional life, how to step into the unknown and overcome fear s story.

I think of a sentence I’ve seen somewhere, when you leave the comfortable environment you created for yourself, whether you’re out of the house, another street, another city, or another country, In another family, facing the outside world, facing strangers, every day, you will become a beginner. Everything is unfamiliar and requires you to learn from scratch.

It seems that English is the only obstacle for Shahi, but what prevents her is not English. It is her fear, and the inferiority complex that she is worried about being laughed at and causing trouble to others. Such a cautious and fearful attitude is also the biggest reason why the children and husband disrespect her.

She was afraid of telling others that she needed help in planes, subways and other places, and she didn't dare to tell others directly, I don't understand, can you speak slowly. All the fear of facing strange things reached its culmination when ordering. The waiter's harsh and arrogant attitude, the impatient complaints of customers in line behind her, and the failure of several orders made Shahi extremely nervous, crying bitterly. The biggest problem with her personality is that she cares too much about other people's feelings than her own, and it is also the biggest problem for all people who are afraid of strangers. In fact, she forgot to pay attention. Even so, the kindness she encountered was far greater than her fear, such as the uncle who helped her translate the movie on the plane, the young man who helped her fill out the immigration form in the customs office, the passerby who helped her hand her coffee in the restaurant, and There are French people who finally fell in love with her because of getting along and talking every day. As long as you say something generously, I need help, can you help me, you can solve a lot of things.

She fears most of the daily trivial things. As long as she is unfamiliar with her, she is afraid, but I also understand this mood very well. This is a common problem for everyone who is not sociable, afraid of going out, and prone to anxiety and thinking. In the weeks she went to learn languages, Shahi’s biggest gain was not the simple vocabulary and sentence patterns the teacher said, but to say aloud what she wanted to say in her heart. I need help. I’m late. Can I come in? No, I cannot, I dare not, I am lonely.

There is a small detail in the film that is worth discussing. When the language/lifestyle of you and other family members is uneven and you can't keep up with them, is it your responsibility? I don’t think this issue can be recommended to any party. It’s like you marry into a family that can speak both dialects and Mandarin. As an outsider, if all others still retain the habit of speaking in dialects, then you don’t respect you, but with At the same time, as a family, you should also try to understand and learn from other people's communication methods. Only if everyone stands in an equal position and respects each other, the family can go on smoothly. This is true of any relationship.

The previous history teacher likes to knock on the blackboard to emphasize the language! language! Language is the chief culprit that has divided civilization and cut everything in the world!

After so many years, I would like to ask him if he still thinks like this. I agree with him. For human history and civilization, the most obstructive thing is communication first, and language second, and this is reflected in this. The most obvious is religion. The biggest reason for the destruction of ancient Egyptian civilization is the complete coverage of language and religion by the invaders. The moment Western colonists entered South America, it was destined that all ancient civilizations and religions in South America would be replaced by new languages. From ancient times to the present, people have come to preach and Buddhism has flowed in for a long time, but there has never been a single one. Religion can sweep China. No religion can become the core. Except for centralization and royal culture, the biggest and most important reason is that the complexity and multi-sense of the Chinese language barriers everything. For the same reason, Islam is also very obvious. Arabic and Islamic civilization are closely connected, and even complement each other, creating an inbreakable cultural and ideological wall. It is this huge barrier that has gradually led to the path it is today.

It’s too far, for the world, but for individuals, language will never be the first element to isolate the outside world. One detail I particularly like in the movie is that Shahi and the French are on the street each time. During the conversation, Shahi complained about her distress in Hindi, and the French murmured to her in French. The two of them walked and talked to each other like this. No one understood, neither did anyone. Knowing what the other person is talking about, but still talking naturally, because they need to talk and accompany them.

The language class in the movie is a very ideal environment. Everyone speaks a different language, but the ability of oral communication is wirelessly weakened here. Mutual trust has become the first force of communication. This is in a situation that is unfamiliar to all of them. Yes, there are dangers and hostility, but there are also ideal relationships that can only appear in an environment with wireless potential.

The absolutely unfamiliar environment is the best stage for a person to develop his potential and overcome fear, but everything he gets in the end will return to the original problem, self-love.

Shahi said this in the Frenchman’s final confession, which is also what the film wants to express. In any case, don’t hate it, give up yourself, face all the unknown, no one is a step into the sky, learn everything, and live in each of us. It is a series of answers, problems, you are learning, others are also learning, they need to learn to respect your feelings, you have to learn to stand up and express yourself, there is nothing to be afraid of, everyone is like this, true of.

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English Vinglish quotes

  • Yu Son: You hear? Sir David and boyfriend break up! Sir David very sad.

    Eva: I know.

    Salman Khan: Nothing sad about gay. People breaking up... drop one and pick another!

    Shashi Godbole: Salman... don't say that. No making fun... We are all different from each other. For you... David Sir may not be 'normal'... For David Sir... you may not be 'normal'... but feelings are all the same... and pain is pain...

  • Shashi Godbole: When you don't like yourself... you tend to dislike everything connected to you. New things seem to be more attractive. When you learn to love yourself... then the same old life... starts looking new... starts looking nice. Thank you... for teaching me... how to love myself! Thank you for making me... feel good about myself. Thank you so much!