"Little Xie Er" in this uncertain world, she will always wait for me here

Ludie 2022-10-25 00:02:10

The "Big Bang Theory" spin-off drama "Xie Er" premiered recently.

The story happened in 1989. The 9-year-old Xiao Xie jumped a lot of ears and was about to go to high school like his brother. In this chaotic world full of uncertainty, Xiao Xie Er tried to defend his inner order in his own way : before a meal, he must shake hands with his father and brother, who do not wash his hands, and wear gloves; read the student handbook carefully before school starts, and report All bad and unruly students; you must wear a bow tie on the first day of school, because Professor Proton wears a bow tie.

Xiao Xie, who insisted on these rigid rules, became a freak in the eyes of everyone, including his family. But one exception is his mother.

Xiao Xie Er does not believe in God, but he believes in his mother. Because whenever and wherever, my mother will stand up to support him and protect him.

His mother would not easily use negative language to suppress his confidence and enthusiasm. She was worried that Xiao Xie’s ears would be bullied by classmates when wearing a bow tie. She would reason with him and say that "the other children did not wear a bow tie", and used his favorite activity—— Go to the Computer City on the weekend-persuade him to take off his bow tie in exchange.

When all the teachers complained to Xiao Xie Er and asked the principal to expel him, his mother insisted on not backing down and asked the teachers to solve the problem by themselves and let him receive the education he deserves.

The old lady in the church asked Xiao Xie's ears, "Is he sick?", and her mother would go back angrily and say, "He's okay!"

Thinking back to this scene many years later, Xie Er still clearly remembers the sense of security nestled in her mother's arms back then, "She is my patron saint."

Even if the whole world laughs at you for abandoning you, there will always be someone who is willing to stay and charge for you.

That person is your mother.

She doesn't need to be too smart, she can have an earthy southern accent, and even believe in God.

As long as she has a heart that loves you, she can create any miracle.

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