"You are my little radoo ball"

Alysha 2022-01-11 08:01:34

If there is anything in this world that a mother can be proud of, it must be giving birth to one or more fat babies, babble, babble, no matter what the prequels and postquels of the story are, no matter what the middle of the story is. What have been experienced, what beautiful women have painted skin.

The thing in the story is said to be true, and it is not true. Although the opening caption statement mentioned that this story is purely fictitious, and any similarities are purely coincidental, but when you actually read such a fictitious story, you will find that every picture is so accessible and so It can be seen everywhere, just like her daily routine when she wakes up every morning, such as the morning tea just brought to her mouth in one hand, the morning paper that has not been fixed in the other hand, and she was stopped by the cry of the youngest son, and she was put back to the dining table under the pavilion porch, steaming slowly. .

"You are my little Radu Ball" is this seemingly traditional Indian housewife joking about her little son with the traditional Indian desserts she is best at making. Just like treating any person or food she likes, a mother will give her children various nicknames she likes, "Dabao", "Xiaobao", "Xiaobei", "Careful Liver", "Little Sweetheart"... …And the more weird ones like this, named my children after food and animals, such as "little red fruit baby", "boiled peanut kid", "little penguin——grey kind", "Trady bird"...and The same goes for the mother in the movie. Radu Ball is her most proud, proud and attractive dessert. And the youngest son must be his favorite. Of course, this mother also has an elder daughter. Why doesn’t she like the eldest daughter so much? I won’t disclose here.

The love for the child is reflected in the tears that are different from the child, the painful self-blame when the child is injured or sick, the hatred and the soft heart after the child makes a mistake, and it is reflected in the child's image after knowing the mistake. When a kitten is snuggling by your side, the whole world is nothing when it helps you. The whole world is beautiful, and the adorable moment of moving is reflected in the precipice and calmness in front of desire and temptation. Regarding the French guy's beautiful male painting skin, (although the French guy is unbearable, not to mention painting skin), how the Indian sister chooses is not spoiled, and people will guess that the sister is not lost in the sincere rhetoric. , But thank the other person for making yourself more confident and loving yourself, the most important thing. This kind of forbearing ambiguity stems from cultural differences, but there is no lack of spiritual communication across national boundaries. It seems mysterious and mind-reading, but it is actually the most basic communication skill-thinking from the perspective of the other party. When I look at myself against the heroine in this fictional story, there are similarities, and I have not done well enough, and thinking about the love of my elders for me, I can’t help but feel warm and ashamed.

There are not many spoilers, so let’s reveal a little-at the end of the story, it is very interesting that the heroine gave her husband two Radu balls, and the husband asked, "Do you still love me?" ("Sometimes I forget I still love you...")
"What do you mean? How about giving you two Radu balls." (Hahaha~"You ask how much I love you, how much do I love you? Go Think about it, go and take a look..." Two balls, two babies, one more love for you.)

The English speech of my sister, really is that every word is so simple and straightforward, like The 26 letters of English are as simple, but through different permutations and combinations, they can express the same simple but not simple English sentence patterns and life philosophy. Finally, my sister said to this world where English is the dominant international language and this society that is inevitably free of strabismus (prejudice), myopia (power), and discrimination, just a word, thank you for belittling me.

Back to the black background and white words For my mother before entering the story, this is after all a movie about the love between mother and child. I think so. (I think so.)

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