
Trycia 2022-01-09 08:01:01

Don Burnham is a talented intellectual. He showed his outstanding writing talent in college, and his works are often published in college magazines. However, he is also a person whose self-esteem is easily impaired, and a little setback is enough to destroy his self-confidence. He has always aspired to be a great writer, but he can't write anything. Don Burniem relied on his younger brother Vic to support him when he was thirty-two years old.[4] He began to drink heavily after being shocked by rejection of the manuscript. Later, he met his girlfriend Helen, and the power of love made him put aside alcohol[1]. Helen has deep concern and hope for Don Burnieme. She not only thinks that Don Burnheim can quit drinking, but also thinks that he can become the great writer of his dreams[4]. As Helen's father criticized Don Burnieme for being drunk and dreaming, he once again lost his self-confidence and became addicted to alcohol. Later he lost the courage to survive and even wanted to commit suicide. But under Helen's great persuasion and encouragement, he rekindled hope in life.

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The Lost Weekend quotes

  • 'Bim' Nolan, Male Nurse: Prohibition - that's what started most of these guys off. Whoopie. Now, be a good boy and drink this.

    Don Birnam: I don't want it.

    'Bim' Nolan, Male Nurse: Better take it. Liable to be a little floor show later on, around here. It might get on your nerves.

    Don Birnam: Floor show?

    'Bim' Nolan, Male Nurse: Ever hear of the DTs?

    Don Birnam: No!

    'Bim' Nolan, Male Nurse: You will, brother.

    Don Birnam: Not me!

    'Bim' Nolan, Male Nurse: Like to make a little bet? After all, you're just a Freshman. Wait till you're a Sophomore. That's when you start seeing the little animals. You know that stuff about pink elephants? That's the bunk. It's little animals. Little tiny turkeys in straw hats. Midget monkeys coming through the key holes. See that guy over there? With him, its beetles. Come the night, he sees beetles crawling all over him. Has to be dark though.

  • Mrs. Deveridge: He's off on another toot! And you know I'm darned right.