Elderly Movies

Raul 2022-09-15 01:15:38

It’s really getting older, and I’m very fascinated by older films, like those films Eastwood insists on. The plot is not attractive, and there won’t be too many special effects. On the contrary, there will be a lot of old folks, as if It's kind of sensational to get together after retirement.

This film is a typical old-fashioned film with loopholes, and it does not want the current Hollywood blockbusters to pursue perfect picture, perfect plot, and perfect relationship between characters. Obviously, the old guys get together to play with the remaining heat, and it's quite interesting to watch it carefully.

At least give me two insights. One is what is the relationship between people and the historical background? I had never wanted to understand that many of our elders had gone through 66 to 76 years, but they rarely mentioned that time. Later, I wanted to understand that the state of people in the historical environment will not change too much. Just like we experienced SARS, it is nothing too much to think of now. But there are a small number of people who are different. They will have indelible memories. It is difficult for us to understand that kind of trauma. It is like the trauma left by war on a small number of people, and will even continue to the old and even the next generation.

The second is the care of the elders to the younger generation. Very invisible, father would not tell the child that you went to see me that day, there was a guy who was going to shoot at you, but I stopped him. In fact, the elders have put a lot of hard work on their backs, but they won’t say it clearly. Only when we do the same thing can we realize it.

The film score is indeed not very high, but it cannot be denied that this is the intentional work of two old dramas. It was filmed for people with the same experience. I hope we can find what we want from such a film.

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Extended Reading

Killing Season quotes

  • [first lines]

    Emil Kovac: For 18 years I have waited.

    [stands to leave]

    Serbian: So what now?

    Emil Kovac: Hunting. I am going hunting.

  • Emil Kovac: Now your turn. You tell me...

    Benjamin Ford: War stories?

    Emil Kovac: Yes.

    Benjamin Ford: Most of those aren't true.

    Emil Kovac: Most, but some...

    Benjamin Ford: The ones that are, why would anyone want to talk about that?

    Emil Kovac: How else do you keep the past alive?

    Benjamin Ford: The past is dead, let's keep it that way.