People's future imagination in the last century

Kyleigh 2022-12-28 12:06:08

The 1960s described people's longing for time travel and imagination and fantasy for the future at the end of the nineteenth century.
It bears the imprint of the times, such as imagining that a nuclear war will break out in the 1960s, which will completely destroy human civilization and the world. It embodies the worry about the future and the sense of disillusionment, the destruction of civilization, and the new generation of human beings in the future will also lose control of their own destiny, such as the walking dead.
But the film is not desperate, the world changes, and human nature is even more precious. Loyal friendship, brave dedication, knowledge and exploration are the warmth and driving force of human nature.
At the end of the film, the inventor wants to lead the creation of a new world. On the one hand, he is dissatisfied with the present world, and on the other hand, he has a vision and hope for a better future.
In addition, under the effect of music, the atmosphere of tension and suspense is also good.

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The Time Machine quotes

  • Dr. Philip Hillyer: Well, the future's already there. It's irrevocable. It cannot be changed.

    George: I wonder... Now that's the most important question to which I hope to find an answer... Can man control his destiny? Can he change the shape of things to come?

  • George: [while time traveling] The centuries rolled by... I put my trust in time, and waited for the rock to wear down around me.