Contradiction cycle? Contradictory time and space? Contradictory person!

Fabian 2022-09-04 01:47:12

At the beginning, it felt like a bad movie from the name. Who knows, it confirms the old saying: people are not good looking, and the water is not enough.

Movies are always full of thoughts-contradictions, the contradiction between the male protagonist's pessimistic realism and the female protagonist's optimistic idealism, whether the contradiction continues at the end of each story, the contradiction between the time inside the circle and the time outside the circle; maybe many people will There are many details in it for brainstorming discussions, but there are a thousand Hamlet in the eyes of a thousand readers. I don't think this is necessary.

In my opinion, the best part of the movie is not the compact plot, but the psychological change of the hero and the heroine. From the initial hostility to the mutual venting and confession, to the final mutual understanding, this is also a contradictory change. Only by understanding and trusting each other can the contradictions be resolved.

Perhaps many viewers think that time is cyclical, and the heroine finally wakes up just to start a new cycle, but I think that time is not cyclical, because people feel that this kind of thing is very subtle. In the movie, Graham And Apple Eater both vaguely felt that Sonny would shoot them. This means that in addition to memory, the machine will leave some feelings behind. Memories can shape a person, but feelings can change a person. Perhaps memory can make them fall into the cycle of time, but they feel that they can break through this limit. Even if they can only change a little each time they wake up, after thousands of cycles, they will eventually come to an ending.

It is because of the male protagonist's spirit of persevering to the end, and the spirit of never giving up in the human bones, that human beings have this achievement today. If once in thousands of cycles, the male protagonist abandons the female protagonist, and decisively shuts down the machine, he can get rid of everything long ago, and there will be no cycle. It is the hope that is born out of love and the perseverance that never gives up. There are thousands of heroic stories.

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ARQ quotes

  • [first lines]

    Renton: You okay?

    [flex-cuffs zipping]

    Father: That guy you fried with your clever little trap? That was our cousin.

    Brother: Cuz.

    Father: That's Brother. Sonny. You can call me Father. And you two? You two are the kids.

  • [Renton has overpowered Hannah while the guys were upstairs eating and has left her tied to a chair. He has taped her mouth shut with a strip of black duct tape in order to allow him to escape without her being able to alert anyone. Hannah shouts for attention but it is muffled underneath her gag]

    Sonny: Where'd he go?

    [Hannah shrugs, Sonny tears the strip of duct tape off her mouth]

    Hannah: Argh! He escaped while you idiots were stuffing your faces

    Sonny: It was your idea

    Hannah: Yeah, well you took too long

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