Two monologues, a turning point: A brief translation of the fifth episode of "The Young Pope"

Arnold 2022-12-21 16:55:17

The young Pope’s fifth episode of the post-translational notes


Xiumen Fox (I am the director of the play in the Fantopia subtitles team, proofreading and translation. After the play is completed, I will write the translation postscript, detailed analysis and related Data sharing, but the fifth episode itself is a turning point between the previous and the next, so I can’t help but write a simple translation of the postscript separately and share it with everyone.
Welcome to follow my group~~~)

There are two Jude Law’s in this episode. Long monologues are the most eye-catching and far-reaching.

"I love the Lord because it is too hard to love mortals.
I love the Lord because the Lord does not abandon, or always forsake me.
And whether
he always stays with me or forsakes me, the Lord is always convinced.
I am a priest, and
I will sever For blind dates, blind dates with girls,
because I don’t want to suffer for it,
because I can’t bear the heartbreak that comes with love,
because I’m not happy,
like all priests.
If I can love you as you wish, Esther , It must be wonderful,
but this is not possible,
because I am not a man,
but a coward." The

above paragraph is what Lenny said when Esther was coerced by the Holy See's Secretary of State to "seduce" the Pope.
One of the highlights of "The Young Pope" is the complicated and mysterious figure of Lenny. In the first five episodes, he never seemed to play cards according to the cards. There seemed to be crises and constraints everywhere. He seemed indifferent to these, and he seemed to be very vengeful and retribution. However, in the first five episodes, one is that Lenny once abandoned his parents, and the other is the innocent and sweet woman Esther. These two groups of characters seem to constitute the biggest weakness of this capricious and unruly pope, and they also seem to give It was a breakthrough for the outside world to get a glimpse into his heart.
Although we probably know in our hearts that the Secretary of State of the Holy See is simply here to provide this drama with a microcosm of the tactics of the secular world and an active atmosphere, the pope should not be so simple as a beauty, but this is a heartfelt word It was unexpected.
While we were immersed in the tactics of waiting for Lenny to "should a tiger's body to perform church reforms and slap the scheming old cardinals one by one", this drama did not treat Lenny as a single one. A powerful figure like President Shimoki in "House of Cards", but quietly confided a little about the inner world of this complicated character-he was bold and reckless, and seemed very sober and lonely. His sobriety allows him not to be driven by loneliness to find cheap comfort, but it also prevents him from concealing the warmth of self-deception. He is passionate and ruthless: passion comes from his delicacy, perhaps also from the extraordinary ability to show "miracles" that the show has not answered positively so far, but his deep understanding of feelings makes him probably too clear about feelings. Various results and side effects-like a reader who peeked at the ending prematurely, he was afraid and even withdrawn from the feelings themselves. This kind of desire for deprivation and withdrawal because of being too awake also appeared in his attitude towards his parents, in his subtle and attached emotions, trying to control, and dislike losing control of those close to him.
The above-mentioned confession in the fifth episode is the first time that Lenny’s own attitude is brought to the front of the stage. This is a distressingly precocious child who has never grown up to forget his nightmares. This is a sensitive soul who "wants to touch and withdraw his hands".
Taking into account the elements of himself, mentor, friends, caregivers, biological parents, undeserved lovers, and related elements, the attitude of the relevant elements is finally clearly revealed in this episode (the allegiance kiss of the feet after the Pope’s speech is regarded as one This is a symbolic highlight (except for his parents, of course), the fifth episode is actually the whole mystery, and the curtain of the whole drama is completely opened.

On the other hand, the final Pope’s speech to the cardinal in the fifth episode is about the two biggest mysteries in the play-Linni's heart and Linni's religious ambitions-and the other one has completely torn away the disguise and opened up the chariot. .

"The door is narrow, and the road is uncomfortable.
Anyone who wants to discover us must work hard to find a way through that door.
What I want are fanatics who are obsessed with the Lord,
because only obsessive love is love. Others are just substitutes, and substitutes cannot enter the door of the church.
Love is not measured by numbers,
love can only be measured by comparison between strengths and weaknesses, only by blind loyalty to the commandments.
... When
Christ voluntarily suffered, He did not compromise.
Me too. "The

use of the "narrow door" (Lian Ni is really...simple and rude, really made a door), and the re-use of the religious honor in the pre-modern era, Pius XIII did not shy away from why he chose The title of "Sanctuary": Pius IX established the Immaculate Conception and the Pope's infallibility, Pius XIII held a press conference to read it to the world; Pius X resisted the unity of modernism and religion, In the real world, religious groups that oppose the Vatican II reform and the unity movement (that is, the universal church unity movement that was ridiculed by Linni in the last paragraph) are named after Pius X; Pius 11 The sovereign state of the Vatican was raised; Pius XII reiterated the infallibility of the Pope and upgraded the Immaculate Conception to the doctrine-Pius XIII is not their follower and a distant echo in the modern world, he is their master and spiritual reincarnation .
Starting from the completely opposite strange dream that is extremely ironic at the beginning of the first episode, "The Young Pope" has been nurturing and looming to outline this mystery-what kind of church does Pius XIII want, what kind of Catholicism? At
the end of this episode, the drama really kicked off, the gun insurance in the smoke-free war was finally pushed away, and the tough posture of sheltering thirteen after the fog finally revealed his true face. The
ten-episode mini-series is in the middle. In the fifth episode, finally completely tore away the looming itchy fog, and the accumulated ocean tide is about to roar. ——Spoiler, the following storm is surging, I really take the metaphor of "ocean tide" seriously.

Looking back on my feelings during the translation two days ago, the beauty of the words in the fifth episode is truly vivid. The director's grasp of tension and Jude Law's acting skills are heartbreaking. "The Young Pope" not only satisfies my secret love for metaphorical symbols (and Ye Gonghaolong (. It even satisfies my love for powerful, inflammatory and coercive speeches and rhetoric. My love for this The power of this speech is both fascinating and vigilant. On the one hand, I love Nietzsche, and I love the power and beauty that comes out almost purely from the power structure constructed by human beings rather than society. On the other hand, I am very aware of all kinds of The fascinating place of catch and control, advance and retreat and temptation-believe me, this subtle and vast process due to countless silent interactions is no less pleasant than tame an ancient, beautiful, strong, rare dragon or whatever. A powerful and beautiful rare creature. Of course I have never seen a dragon, but it is really hard for a person who is keen enough not to indulge in this subtle and powerful influence and control. It
is not only the subtle temptation and control that makes me wary, It is more that the tremor that resembles a whole string orchestra instrument resonating in the dark with no one is really beautiful, but this beauty and pleasure comes from sobriety and restraint, it seems that the controller needs more restraint, and the more Indulge is the further away from this pleasure. Once you pass a certain point, there is nothing more than stupid performances, humble catering and arrogant fantasies.
Regardless of Linni-or the director who releases information through Linni ——What kind of characterization or dramatic effect you intend to achieve? The fifth episode is an exciting episode.

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