Five-star recommendation, no peeing points throughout the whole process, made by heart!

Sadye 2022-12-06 16:23:31

Reason for recommendation: If you like the kind of ultra-low-cost production, you can complete all the shooting in the setting of a house, but the plot design of the movie is excellent, "ARQ" is also called "Overtime Transmission" (bad Name), you must read it.

It is a movie of the "time cycle" type. It is about a future with serious pollution and energy shortages. A group of resistance organizations and a monopolistic enterprise group compete for money and ARQ machines in the male protagonist's house.

It is best to look for the Blu-ray high-definition picture quality. Nowadays, I don’t like the HD format more and more. The picture quality is not good enough to hurt feelings.

The movie is taut from beginning to end, and there is no peeing in the whole process. The music is very good. The level of music is about second only to "Mad Mike 4, Fury Road". In the genre of "Time Loop", it is not the first to be the first, but it can be regarded as a work of heart. It is only responsible for making you feel good.

Don't fast forward, don't give up halfway, my mood for watching movies is: start - aha, it's kind of interesting. ——Yo, that's how it is! ——Fuck, why didn't the hero kill this woman with a single shot! ——Wow, let's go to death the idealist heroine! ! ! ——You have to stop, look, the villain's IQ is also up! ——Please, if you can run or run quickly, the audience feels sorry for you! ——Ah... The hero and the heroine, you are so pitiful... The sequel will continue with LOOP... It

starts to be more exciting, in the middle you may be so angry that you slap the table, but the end is good.

Do not comment on the characters or plot. In this movie, these aspects may not be perfect, but this is the kind that makes you feel that you will discuss the more boring movies after watching it.

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Extended Reading

ARQ quotes

  • [first lines]

    Renton: You okay?

    [flex-cuffs zipping]

    Father: That guy you fried with your clever little trap? That was our cousin.

    Brother: Cuz.

    Father: That's Brother. Sonny. You can call me Father. And you two? You two are the kids.

  • [Renton has overpowered Hannah while the guys were upstairs eating and has left her tied to a chair. He has taped her mouth shut with a strip of black duct tape in order to allow him to escape without her being able to alert anyone. Hannah shouts for attention but it is muffled underneath her gag]

    Sonny: Where'd he go?

    [Hannah shrugs, Sonny tears the strip of duct tape off her mouth]

    Hannah: Argh! He escaped while you idiots were stuffing your faces

    Sonny: It was your idea

    Hannah: Yeah, well you took too long

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