This is a story about an infatuated woman who wants to save her boyfriend, and a spare infatuated man who wants to save his ex-girlfriend.

Marcia 2022-05-29 20:01:24

This is a story about an infatuated woman who wants to save her boyfriend, and a spare infatuated man who wants to save his ex-girlfriend. By the way, the male protagonist has many opportunities to check the error log, at least when he saw the video for the first time, as a result, it went through a thousand cycles. In addition, the time cycle is limited to a limited time and space, time cycle, space must be reset, people at the periphery of the area, can they see the space reset?

It has circulated thousands of times, assuming that each cycle is 2 hours, 9 times is 18 hours, a thousand times is more than two years, more than two years, the war can not be affected, let it continue to cycle, or send people outside the circle It would be difficult for those who went to stay quiet and not to send others.

The ending wakes up the heroine, which obviously implies that the cycle is going to stop. It's better to set the cycle at dozens of times and let outsiders break it...............

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ARQ quotes

  • [first lines]

    Renton: You okay?

    [flex-cuffs zipping]

    Father: That guy you fried with your clever little trap? That was our cousin.

    Brother: Cuz.

    Father: That's Brother. Sonny. You can call me Father. And you two? You two are the kids.

  • [Renton has overpowered Hannah while the guys were upstairs eating and has left her tied to a chair. He has taped her mouth shut with a strip of black duct tape in order to allow him to escape without her being able to alert anyone. Hannah shouts for attention but it is muffled underneath her gag]

    Sonny: Where'd he go?

    [Hannah shrugs, Sonny tears the strip of duct tape off her mouth]

    Hannah: Argh! He escaped while you idiots were stuffing your faces

    Sonny: It was your idea

    Hannah: Yeah, well you took too long

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