Death feast, in order for my brother to have the money to treat illnesses, the right bone marrow, to pay off his debts, return to school, resolutely participate in the desperate game of private organizations, suspense, excitement, mocking humanity, the first round of electric shock to myself or someone else, only two One choice, otherwise die. In the second round, use a cone of ice to stab someone alive and beat a person with rhino hide three times. In the third round, randomly choose the punishment in the envelope or hold your breath for 2 minutes. In the last round, only two people choose two people. If there is no reward for leaving together, or killing one person and taking the money to leave, the heroine finally kills the other party decisively. Don't say that the heroine is hypocritical, and you will do the same if you do it yourself. Maybe this is the case with human nature! When a person lives, he is constantly making choices. Whether it is active or passive, is it important? One night’s cruel game subverted my three views, just for myself and my brother to live better, the ending was so cruel, the sister who returned home found the brother who was dead in bed, maybe this was retribution
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