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Shows a different feeling from the original, slightly disappointed.
Rahul 2022-11-22 01:38:06
[last lines]
Edward French: Now, wait a minute. You're going to tell people that I did something to you, Todd?
Todd Bowden: I don't want to drag you down with me, but I will. I'm better at this then you are.
Edward French: Better at what? I'm trying to help you, Todd. Can't you see that?
Todd Bowden: You've helped enough.
Edward French: I am not going to do nothing.
Todd Bowden: Well, you'll fucking have to! If you ever tell anyone about this... the things I'm gonna say about you... they'll never go away. Not for you. Not for your life or career. Think of your job. Think of your son. Even if no one believes me, the police and media will make a background check on you and they will find something. Some dirt such as... the real reason why your wife left you.
[after a short pause]
Todd Bowden: So... what's it gonna be? Do we have a deal?
Edward French: You can't do this, Todd.
Todd Bowden: [coldly] You have no idea what I can do.
Todd Bowden: Have you lost your mind? What the hell were you thinking, 'Grandpa'?
Kurt Dussander: What are you so excited about?
Todd Bowden: Oh, you've got some fucking balls! I could have screwed you up, anything could have happened!
Kurt Dussander: You played it beautifully, boy. I knew you would.
Todd Bowden: Are you fucking drunk? I could have busted you right there!
Kurt Dussander: Yes, you could have, but you did not. Now, why was that? Your Edward French is not going to give you any more trouble, so now you are upset because the only way you can make things right is to work.
Todd Bowden: I'm upset because you had that asshole thinking I can do something that can't be done!
Kurt Dussander: Oh, but it can. And it will. You will simply have to work. No more stories. No more screwing around.
Todd Bowden: I don't take orders from you.
Kurt Dussander: [sniggers] You do now.
Todd Bowden: Oh, you think so? Yeah, well, don't forget I could walk right in there and pick up that phone...
Kurt Dussander: And do what? Do you really think that I would stand aside and let you turn me in without dragging you with me, do you? Your American self confidence is so bloated you've forgotten the reality of the situation. 90,000 died in Patin. To the whole world, I am a monster. And you have known about me all this time. If I'm caught, when those reporters stick their microphones in my face it will be your name that I will repeat over and over again. Todd Bowden, Todd Bowden... Todd Bowden, yes, that was his name. For how long, for months, almost a year, he wanted to know everything. That was how he put it, yes, everything.
Todd Bowden: You're crazy. They'll never believe you.
Kurt Dussander: It doesn't matter. Oh, you're going to be infamous, boy, take my word for it. And do you know what such a scandal can do? It never goes away. Not for you, not for your parents. And besides, lying to judges and reporters isn't as easy as you think. You'd have to be brilliant. Can you do that? I know I can.