"Liberal Arts Love Songs"

Yvonne 2022-01-11 08:01:22

"Love Songs for Liberal Arts"

is indeed literary and niche.
The person who reads, finally chooses the person who loves books. Humans, spend a lot of time---choosing a spouse!
How much effect does the book have on the human spirit?
Or maybe, the protagonist is just in the adult world, trying to hide temporarily into an unreal world through various books?
Perhaps it is true. After all, the book, after reading it, can be re-read, skipped, ignored, or even torn off!
Should we learn to be brainwashed? Have a look at some vampires!

Typical independent films are full of enthusiasm and express desire.
Think of a book "Reading Ruined Me" (America) Linda Schwartz, it can arouse the nostalgia of many scholars, especially when the author narrates his childhood reading experience.

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Extended Reading

Liberal Arts quotes

  • Zibby: It doesn't bother me.

    Jesse Fisher: Well, it bothers me.

    Zibby: Well, it shouldn't. Age is a stupid thing to obsess over. What if reincarnation is real, huh? Think about that, What if I am like thousands of years older than you?

    Jesse Fisher: Okay, that's not really a sound argument.

    Zibby: Why not?

    Jesse Fisher: Because it's like saying what if reality is all an illusion, then there are no consequences to anything, we're completely off the hook... and I believe in consequences.

    Zibby: No, you believe in guilt.

    Jesse Fisher: Maybe, but guilt before we act is called morality.

  • Ana: I love books. I do in, like, the dorkiest way possible.

    Jesse Fisher: Oh, me too. It's a problem.

    Ana: Like, I love trees cause they give us books.

    Jesse Fisher: super cool of the trees to do that, Right?

    Ana: I'm actually... this is weird. I'm actually trying to read less.

    Jesse Fisher: Why?

    Ana: I felt like I wasn't watching enough television. No, l just started to feel like reading about life was taking time away from actually living life, so I'm trying to, like, accept invitations to things,say "hi" to the world a little more.

    Jesse Fisher: That sounds scary. It's going well?

    Ana: It's... okay. I keep thinking I'd be so much happier in bed with a book, and that makes me feel not super cool. I still read tons. I just feel like I'm more aware of a book's limitations. Does that make sense?

    Jesse Fisher: Yeah, totally.