To Be Torn

Doris 2022-09-05 04:49:17

I heard this song again today, and I think of it as an episode of the first season of the new version of "The Courageous Lion". In fact, I gave up on this drama as early as the end of the first season, but I really liked the one or two episodes. I watched it two or three times at the time~~

This episode was when the heroine Catherine was shot and injured, and Vincent hugged him. It sounded when she was helpless and contradictory. At the same time, the second man was driving towards the location of the incident. Vincent was holding Catherine and understood that Catherine must be sent to the hospital for treatment immediately. The second man with a car is the best and only candidate. But Vincent was unwilling to entrust Catherine to the second man. At that time, the relationship between the two of them was really not enough to know each other's feelings. The second man seemed to be excellent and suitable from all aspects, and he did have a good relationship with Catherine. Pursuing the heart, now hand over the seriously injured Catherine to the second man. After she wakes up, will her heart be inclined to the second man? The beastly Vincent hugged Catherine. He walked a few steps in the direction of the second man on the highway late at night, then hesitated a few steps in the opposite direction, and gently shook Catherine in his arms. ,unintentionally.
To be Torn sounded.
Against the street lights and car lights, there was a pale and slightly dazzling light on the two of them, but their expressions were indistinguishable. The independent and strong policewoman Catherine, a small group, shrank in Vincent's arms, her life dying bit by bit. Vincent's hesitation seemed short and long. The second man's car drew closer, his lights were getting brighter, and Vincent looked over reflectively, the lights illuminating his ugly face. The second man pushed the door and got out of the car. The camera freezes on the man's surprised face. This episode is over.

In fact, this drama is super bloody and illogical, and the production is rough. If it weren't for the nostalgia of Zhengda Theater when I was a child, I wouldn't take the time to watch it at all. But only for these tens of seconds, Vincent's low self-esteem and contradictory performance with deep love left a clear impression on me along with the sad music. I think Vincent in this drama should be like this from beginning to end. Even if he and Catherine are finally married, the ambivalence of wanting to be unavailable or fearing to lose should be the main tone of this role. But obviously, the main creators of this play didn't think so.

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