The war is over, it is over!

Melyssa 2022-10-12 21:04:34

The killings caused by the war are the sins of the war, not the personal ones. But we cannot continue to kill and commit crimes after the war is over. Tell yourself that the war is over, it's over!

This old italian guy, he wants to confess to the local priest. He's getting on in age and wants to make it right with God.

So he tells the priest, "Father, back in the war, there was this beautiful woman that came to my house, and asked me to protect her from the Nazis, so I hid her up in my attic."

The priest says, "Well, that's a wonderful thing you did, my son. There's no reason to confess."

The old man says, "But it gets worse, Father. She started to repay me with sexual favors, you know, like blowjobs and shit like that."

The priest says, "Well, you both are in great danger, my son. War makes sinners of us all. So, you are forgiven."

The old man says, "Well, thank you, Father. It's a great burden off my mind. But I have one more question."

"What's that, my son?"

"Should I have told her that the war was over?"

======== "Killing Season" (2013)========

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Killing Season quotes

  • [first lines]

    Emil Kovac: For 18 years I have waited.

    [stands to leave]

    Serbian: So what now?

    Emil Kovac: Hunting. I am going hunting.

  • Emil Kovac: Now your turn. You tell me...

    Benjamin Ford: War stories?

    Emil Kovac: Yes.

    Benjamin Ford: Most of those aren't true.

    Emil Kovac: Most, but some...

    Benjamin Ford: The ones that are, why would anyone want to talk about that?

    Emil Kovac: How else do you keep the past alive?

    Benjamin Ford: The past is dead, let's keep it that way.