Comment on Killing Season

Grady 2022-11-26 13:30:44

This film is mainly composed of two male pig's feet, and a young man and an old man, it seems to me how to say, this young man's revenge is too strong, why the old man lives alone in the mountains and wilds, in fact, it is The war left him with sequelae. He himself felt guilty and didn’t want to bring his sins to his children, but the young people’s pursuit of revenge made me think it might be me, and I might keep letting it go. Don’t let it down, but the old people have been concealing some things and don’t want to mention them, but the young people want revenge. Their self-feelings are generally hard work, and they don’t describe a lot of human touch (only the old people are talking about their children and Grandson is a bit emotional beyond description)

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Killing Season quotes

  • [first lines]

    Emil Kovac: For 18 years I have waited.

    [stands to leave]

    Serbian: So what now?

    Emil Kovac: Hunting. I am going hunting.

  • Emil Kovac: Now your turn. You tell me...

    Benjamin Ford: War stories?

    Emil Kovac: Yes.

    Benjamin Ford: Most of those aren't true.

    Emil Kovac: Most, but some...

    Benjamin Ford: The ones that are, why would anyone want to talk about that?

    Emil Kovac: How else do you keep the past alive?

    Benjamin Ford: The past is dead, let's keep it that way.