The Arsenic of Marriage

Berenice 2022-01-11 08:01:37

When I saw the heroine hunched back, wearing a lady's suit with parallel lines, kicking high heels into the office, I inexplicably thought of the sharp contrast between Jennifer Beals and her when she wore a suit. This movie is really a strange number in a weird thing.

All the British humor is automatically filtered by my brain system, and I can't find a laugh at all. The visual scope of the whole film is still wandering in time zone 1, but unfortunately, I have been hovering in time zone 4, with a Changhong Road and a Qingnian Road in between.

So the movie is automatically divided into three channels, one is the hero gang who can't understand the heroine gang joke, the other is the heroine gang who can't understand the heroine gang joke, and the other is me.

The only praiseworthy thing is the theme of the play-neither love nor marriage can be done.
When the heroine met the male second, the relationship between her and the male lead began to get worse, and this awfulness was mainly reflected in two words-trivial.
The most real thing about married life is presented in front of you. When you start to get tired of a face that has been like a day for ten years, especially at this time, some of his unbearable shortcomings have been constantly exposed, and everything he does In your eyes, it has begun to become intolerable. Years of grievances are like solidified oil fume on the wall of an old-fashioned kitchen. It is black and heavy with a blade to scrape off a piece and put it in a cup to flush with water. The effect is comparable to arsenic, but-yes The arsenic of marriage.

If you see the person next to you doing anything that was originally forgivable, but now it makes you furious, and you have already cut him up and put it in slices to see what the structure of this person’s brain is. If you think so unreasonably, I suggest you go through it quickly or separate. This kind of gentle marriage or love will eventually wear out the last bit of a woman's temperament.

Neither love nor marriage can endure.

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I Give It a Year quotes

  • Nat: We have an incredible sex life, but that's not the point. I love the Michael Jackson "Off the Wall" album, but I wouldn't necessarily want to only listen to that the rest of my life.

    Naomi: Yeah, Oh honey, I been there. I mean you'll listen to it a lot in the beginning. You'll listen to it in all sorts of places. You'll listen to it in the car, in the disabled toilet cubicle in the McDonald's in Egham... in your unconscious Granny's hospital room.

    Nat: Granny Mary?

    Naomi: It's what she would have wanted... But then you know, you get to the point where you're not that bothered about listened to music at all. You just play it on birthdays or when you're very very drunk. Or, if someone shows you a Justin Bieber video when you're in the office and then you know, all you can think about is that.

    Chloe: Isn't he like 15?

    Naomi: Oh, he'd know what to do... I'd ruin Bieber!

    Nat: You Would! You would ruin him.

  • Danny: I think if I was going to have any super power it would be the ability to speak Spanish. That would be amazing wouldn't it? 'Cause you could say stuff like "Hola", "Gazpacho".

    Nat: You just said it.

    Josh: You're saying it now.

    Danny: Oh, wow.

    Hugh: Not strictly speaking a super power, though, is it really? Otherwise everyone in Brazil would be superheroes.

    Danny: [Nods]


    Danny: Mm, true.

    Naomi: They speak Portuguese in Brazil. You cock!