Tribute to the old shadow man

Precious 2022-11-13 13:00:44

The plot of this movie is simple. Two extremes, revenge and redemption, but what can't be eliminated in any case is the refinement of a simple story. The biggest highlight of this film is that it does not compare with other such as domestic or American blockbusters, deliberately. To express what some modern commercial films want to express. When we watch this movie, we will find that there is a special resonance between the characters and the time in the plot. All these things have a special resonance. It does not express anything. , The sentence at the end expresses all the things that have not been elaborately expressed before, completely and philosophically: "Father, I have one last question. Should I tell her that the war is over!" Suddenly , You will find that this movie is not just to express two men who have experienced pain in the war. It is life, which is actually the same. Learn to adapt when everything is over.

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Killing Season quotes

  • [first lines]

    Emil Kovac: For 18 years I have waited.

    [stands to leave]

    Serbian: So what now?

    Emil Kovac: Hunting. I am going hunting.

  • Emil Kovac: Now your turn. You tell me...

    Benjamin Ford: War stories?

    Emil Kovac: Yes.

    Benjamin Ford: Most of those aren't true.

    Emil Kovac: Most, but some...

    Benjamin Ford: The ones that are, why would anyone want to talk about that?

    Emil Kovac: How else do you keep the past alive?

    Benjamin Ford: The past is dead, let's keep it that way.