In order to get rid of the nasty life, sometimes it is necessary to take risks

Edgardo 2022-12-29 04:02:09

Colombia is the world's largest producer and exporter of cocaine. Therefore, various drug dealers and illegal armed forces are "famous". Many people have become "dominant" millionaires by smuggling drugs to the United States and Europe.
The civil unrest in Colombia has lasted for decades. The main reason is that anti-government guerrillas are entrenched on one side, confronting the government, and numerous paramilitary organizations have also constituted social instability. More importantly, brother drug trafficking activities are rampant, and the activities of drug cartels are spread all over the country. Therefore, terrorist activities such as car explosions and assassinations against the government have occurred from time to time, but they have basically appeared in remote areas that are difficult for government forces to control. The security situation in big cities is generally good, and the general crime rate in big cities such as the capital Bogotá even occupies the lower reaches of Latin America.
Bogota has more women than men, and the approximate ratio is 6:1, so there are many men who step on the three boats. The women here are not very beautiful, but most of them have round waists, fat hips, and straight chests. Men have hips. Women are beautiful. The divorce rate here is very high, roughly over 50%, which may be a bit exaggerated.
Maria’s sister from the Internet gave birth to a child but did not have a husband, so the burden of the family rested on Maria who went to the rose thorn in the flower field. She resigned because she didn't want to endure the boss's oppression, but her mother and sister were afraid that their only source of life would be cut off and strongly advocated her to go back to work. She became pregnant when she was only 17 years old, but broke up because of disagreements with her boyfriend. In order to live a better life, she looks for opportunities to make money.
Under the introduction of a friend, she became a tool for the human body to hide drugs, and met Lucy by chance, and she taught her how to swallow drugs. My colleague and friend Blanca also participated, and wanted to make money to buy a big house for his family. Lucy was killed by drug dealers because the drugs broke down. The unaccompanied Maria went to Lucy's sister's house. After some setbacks, Maria chose to stay in New York. She wanted to give her unborn child a better living environment like Lucy's sister. New York is heaven.
She will face countless difficulties in the future, but she is not afraid.

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Maria Full of Grace quotes

  • María Álvarez: I think I'm pregnant

    Juan: You want to get married?

    María Álvarez: Do you love me?

    Juan: [annoyed] Don't start on that.

    María Álvarez: [mad] You're going to marry someone you don't love?

  • María Álvarez: How many times have you done this?

    Lucy Díaz: Two.

    María Álvarez: How did it go?

    Lucy Díaz: Here I am.