I was disappointed at the end, so I felt relieved after writing this article.

Saul 2022-01-11 08:01:34

I have never watched a movie so entangled in scoring. From the 1st minute to the 113th minute, I have been silently giving stars in my heart.

At first I thought it was an ordinary family warmth movie, and then I felt it was an educational movie telling us that English learning is very important, and I was a bit disgusted. Then I thought it was a propaganda film about Western cultural values, which was a bit disgusting.

But seeing that Sasha was going to New York alone, she renewed her interest. Insert a sentence: Her little niece is so considerate. It’s not true that she was humiliated in a coffee shop. Although I have never been to the United States, in general, the ordering staff cannot be so rude, and it is impossible for everyone in the line to turn a blind eye or scold a stupid woman. This play is to set off the tall image of a French man and pave the way for the future. In addition, Sasha feels the urgency of learning English.

The students in Sasha's English class don't have a lot of pen and ink, but they have distinct personalities, which makes the tone of the whole movie light-hearted. The final speech at the wedding served as the bridge of the exam. I guessed it from the first time I mentioned the wedding and the exam date, hehe.

Sasha's husband is actually a bastard. Talking and deportment always humiliates his wife, saying that she was born to do radoo, etc., completely disregarding his wife's feelings. A father must have a son, so the eldest daughter is not only a little padded jacket of her mother, but a poisonous needle, always stinging her mother. In this marriage, Sasha chose forbearance. The speech at the wedding won applause from the audience, and the newlyweds were applauded and surprised and ashamed of the husband and eldest daughter. The French man fell in love with her at first sight, chased her, hesitated to speak, and often confided in French with her. Sasha also taught life lessons, responsibilities and duties, etc. in Hindi that French men could not understand.

In the end, Sasha's choice is undoubtedly sensible, returning to a little woman who does not understand English and only accepts Hindi. She loves her two children. Her husband looked at everything in his eyes, and he should know his wife's preciousness in the future and care about her more.

However, if you can't go back, you can't go back. This is still a tragedy, for the French man, but also for Sasha.

If Sasha hadn't had this knowledge, her thoughts would not be as broad as it is now. She might be content to be a little woman, work hard and frugally at home and do Radu, and she would be depressed by her daughter from time to time, but she would not think too much. But the New York party made her know someone who cares about her so much (at least in the new period), and although the language is not fluent, she feels connected. After she returned to India, in the morning when the sun was shining in the kitchen to make radhu balls, when she patted her little son to make him go to bed quickly, and at night when her husband came home, she was sitting alone in the garden looking up at the sky at night, would she miss the Pacific Ocean? The man on the other side who took her to the top of the building to see the scenery.

For a moment, I really hope that Sasha will get a divorce, leave her husband and children behind, and be with the hopelessly romantic French man. Anyway, an Indian woman gets married early, and Sasha should be in her early 30s. Why is her life buried in the trivialities day after day? She can start a relationship with a French man, get married, continue to live in New York, or immigrate to France together. But even so, the possibility of happiness is slim. Because she is Sasha, Sasha whose family is older than ever.

Her final speech (there are grammatical errors, but this is a high-level speech that touches people’s hearts, and the level of actors is very high):
This marriage is a beautiful thing. It is the most special friendship, friendship of two people who are equal. Life is a long journey. Mira, sometimes you'll feel you're less. Kevin, sometimes you'll also feel you are less than Mira. Try to help each other, be equal, that should be nice. Sometimes married couple don't even know how the others are feeling, so how will they help the other? It means marriage is finished? No, that is the time you have to help yourself. Nobody can help you better than you. If you do that, you will return back to feeling equal, your friendship will return back, your life will be beautiful. Mira, Kevin, maybe you'll very busy, but have family, son, daughter, in this big world, your small little world, it will make you feel so good. Family, family can never, can never be judgmental.Family will never put you down, they never make you feel small. Families are only one who never laugh at your weaknesses. Families are only one place where you get love and respect. I wish you all the best. Thank you.

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English Vinglish quotes

  • Yu Son: You hear? Sir David and boyfriend break up! Sir David very sad.

    Eva: I know.

    Salman Khan: Nothing sad about gay. People breaking up... drop one and pick another!

    Shashi Godbole: Salman... don't say that. No making fun... We are all different from each other. For you... David Sir may not be 'normal'... For David Sir... you may not be 'normal'... but feelings are all the same... and pain is pain...

  • Shashi Godbole: When you don't like yourself... you tend to dislike everything connected to you. New things seem to be more attractive. When you learn to love yourself... then the same old life... starts looking new... starts looking nice. Thank you... for teaching me... how to love myself! Thank you for making me... feel good about myself. Thank you so much!