[Reprint] Wonderful comments intercepted!

Orland 2022-01-11 08:01:34

In the Hindi English film, you can see the rigor and completeness of its structure, the balance of its narrative, and the continuous scenes (professionals should know the difficulty of finding and arranging scenes, and This drama is simple and everywhere) how it naturally accumulates until the final outbreak, seeing how it achieves the end of one plot and the beginning of the next one, and seeing what is interlocking but clear Orderly. Seeing how it portrays characters through events instead of relying on the stacking of lines, you can also see how the lines are just right for the finishing touch. See how it allows you to get knowing feelings and fun in the story, and when you need to release and lyrically, you can reach the breath, and see how it continues to advance the story when it is lyrical (although this is not very powerful) , To see how it is not rushed, but it is light on the point of focus, and to see how all its details settings play a role and quietly add to the cake, but it will never cause feelings because of the details. The deviation affects the prominence of the main line. See how it achieves a seamless interplay between the exterior and the interior (the implicit expression of life, feminism, love, friendship, family, responsibility, understanding, and a little political humor under the open lines of eager respect for people) . Seeing how it calmly realized the implication of the heroine's changing mood, struggling and even returning. Seeing how it can realize the contradictory confrontation between positive and negative human nature, see how it can magnify those small and deep contempt and stab wounds in life without exaggeration, and use it to calmly and powerfully realize the social Angle cut. Seeing how it can be sad but not sad, happy but not strong, superb temperance, and seeing how it painted a portrait of life with simple brushwork but long meaning. Seeing how it takes good pictures, you can't see it well for a while, as if it is not a dazzling rose but the fragrance of the rose.

It never irritates you, it just touches you, and while giving you space to think, it also lays a solid foundation for thinking.

The good things, in the end, are returning to the truth, like the spring breeze, giving you not blazing fire, but comfort. It is a touch of warmth that touches you and makes you feel its breath, but it doesn't say that it is like this.

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English Vinglish quotes

  • Yu Son: You hear? Sir David and boyfriend break up! Sir David very sad.

    Eva: I know.

    Salman Khan: Nothing sad about gay. People breaking up... drop one and pick another!

    Shashi Godbole: Salman... don't say that. No making fun... We are all different from each other. For you... David Sir may not be 'normal'... For David Sir... you may not be 'normal'... but feelings are all the same... and pain is pain...

  • Shashi Godbole: When you don't like yourself... you tend to dislike everything connected to you. New things seem to be more attractive. When you learn to love yourself... then the same old life... starts looking new... starts looking nice. Thank you... for teaching me... how to love myself! Thank you for making me... feel good about myself. Thank you so much!